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10 tips for writing clickable press release headlines

By Lindsey Chastain

Hook readers with magnetic headlines and increase engagement online.


Someone writing an effective press release headline.The press release headline is the first touchpoint readers have with your content. In an era of information overload, a weak headline means lost opportunities. Strong headlines draw attention amid the noise and condense your key message into a bite-sized preview. 


Use these proven tips to craft magnetic headlines that hook journalists and other readers. 




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1. Focus on relevance. 

Start by asking yourself who the target audience is. Put yourself in their shoes: What challenges do they face, and what outcomes matter most to them? Shape your headline around their key concerns. Targeted relevance grabs attention.


For example, rather than a generic “New Product Launch” headline, try “Announcing App to Simplify Supply Chain Logistics.” This immediately signals relevance to supply chain professionals.  


2. Highlight what’s new.

News lives in the now. Spotlight what’s timely, different, unexpected, or advanced about your story. The newest innovations, capabilities, or discoveries will catch readers’ interest. 


3. Optimize for scannability.

In our cluttered digital world, readers scan rather than study headlines. Enable easy skimming by front-loading your key message words. Place non-essential words like “a” or “the” deeper in the headline.  


4. Power up verbs. 

Verbs bring energy, vividness, and action to your headline. They paint a dynamic picture for readers to envision your news. Energize stagnant nouns like “launch” or “announcement” with compelling action verbs like “transform,” “ignite,” or “disrupt.”  


5. Lure the curious.  

Effective headlines build anticipation without giving everything away. Strike a balance between revealing and concealing to activate readers’ curiosity. Hints of untold details compel clicking and reading more.


For example, “How One Airline is Rethinking Loyalty Programs” piques interest without spoiling the full story.  


6. Keep it short. 

Long, wordy headlines fail to grab busy readers. Boil down messages to 6-10 words max. Eliminate vague fillers focusing only on what truly matters. Short, scannable headlines have the highest click-through rates.  


7. Sell the benefits.  

Readers tune out generic facts to focus on “what’s in it for me.” Shift the spotlight from features to meaningful user advantages. Demonstrate you understand target readers and what outcomes they want.


Rather than “App Has New Alert Features,” try “Get Notified Instantly When Supply Chain Delays Happen.” 


8. Revise and refresh.

Headlines have a shelf life. Reassess them regularly to ensure messages stay sharp. Update details or shift focus to keep pace with emerging reader needs or events. 


9. Stand out with specifics.   

Vague umbrella terms blend into the background. However, precise facts captivate attention, signaling relevance. Spotlight tangible details like percentage gains, new capability names, award distinctions, or usage numbers. 


10. Spark urgency.  

Inject urgency by spotlighting limited windows like sign-up deadlines, early bird deals, or first-to-market advantages. Time-related urgency prompts readers to take action now rather than later.


With attention spans shrinking, magnetic headlines are a make-or-break factor. Clarify what your audience cares most about, then make it the spotlight of your headline. Intriguing and benefit-oriented headlines compel action, while precise details demonstrate relevance. Keep messages clear, concise, and solution-focused. With compelling headlines that effectively capture your news, readers will eagerly continue to access the whole story.

For more tips like these, register for Axia’s free 60-Second Impact, packed with tips and tools on how to use PR to promote and grow your company.


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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Topics: earned media, news media

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