Shared coverage doesn’t have to be bad

So, the journalist you’ve been pitching finally decides to write a piece on your company. Thrilled, you update your team, alert your spokesperson and send the reporter all the necessary photos and information.
Then, at some point during the process, or maybe even once the story runs, you find out that your competitors appear in the piece too – perhaps with more prominence than your company. When this happens, PR pros will certainly be bummed, even bitter, upon learning they’ll share the spotlight with those they compete so hard against.
Don’t see shared coverage as a loss. As long as the coverage for your company is positive, it’s still a win. Here are some tips to consider when you learn your media coverage includes your competitors.
1. Ask questions to prepare your spokesperson and your team.
By understanding the reporter’s story and angle, you’ll be well-informed of his or her approach. The more questions you ask about the final piece, the better informed you are to prepare your spokesperson for a great interview and to set expectations internally.
2. Understand high-quality coverage.
Good reporting involves time, research and multiple sources. So naturally, reporters dive in deeper to talk with different industry experts. Those reporters who consistently use multiple sources will likely work for more reputable outlets with extended readership and better credibility. Ask yourself which is more important: a glowing feature on a blog with 5,000 subscribers or a quick quote and mention among competitors in an outlet that reaches millions?
3. Think about the reader.
Ideal media coverage will highlight how your company’s services or products solve a specific problem for consumers. A mention alongside competitors still makes audiences aware of your company. So while you may be among competitors, it’s certainly better than not receiving any mention at all. Your supplemental PR and advertising tactics are the perfect complement to media mentions in articles among competitors.
In media coverage that features your company as well as your competitors, it’s important that your PR approach is perfect. Quick, helpful responses from your PR team along with prepared and engaging interviews with executives will put your company in a position to stand out among other companies in the article. If your spokesperson needs training, watch Axia Public Relations’ webinar. You’ll receive tips and guidance on readying your spokesperson for the media.
Clients love Julie’s expertise in marketing and communications. She specializes in technology, digital marketing and communications. Julie has worked with Axia Public Relations since November 2015.
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Topics: media relations, public relations, earned media
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