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4 important don’ts for PR professionals

By Yulia Dianova

60629269_s.jpgHow to stay ethical in the digital marketing world

Ethics in public relations is critical. In today’s digital world, it’s so easy to reach a broad audience; you can influence consumers’ behavior and obtain useful information about them. You can use various marketing and PR strategies to convert consumers. This makes them very vulnerable to scams and deception.

Here are four actions PR professionals should avoid to stay ethical and continue building lasting relationships with their clients.

  1. Invasion of privacy.

Actions that violate your clients’ privacy are unethical, and they can potentially harm their personal and professional credibility. This includes disclosing sensitive personal information to a third party.

  1. Spamming.

Don’t over-promote unsolicited messages. Unwanted messages often clutter the inboxes of your prospective customers and they will miss useful information or real opportunities you offer.

  1. Dishonesty and distortions.

Dishonest claims or untruthful comments can jeopardize the long-term image of your company. Honest and transparent communication with your clients and customers is your best way to grow your customers’ trust.

A similar ethical violation involves the misrepresentation of your credentials, expertise and affiliations. Fake testimonies from consumers damage your company’s reputation.

  1. Misuse of intellectual property and expertise.

Don’t obtain professional ideas and knowledge from your customers through digital strategies, like social media contests, and misuse it. You should always credit and compensate your customers when they provide their professional input for your business.

As a PR professional, you should maintain honest and ethical practices. You have many digital tools available to you for obtaining information from your audience, which you can then use to influence their behavior, converting them into loyal customers. Ethical digital marketing strategies and respecting your customers are two major components of your long-term relationships with your clients.

Axia Public Relations adheres to a code of ethics established by the Public Relations Society of America. We understand the importance of accountability and honesty in the industry. Learn about the best, most effective ways to reach out to your target audience through social media with our e-book The Essential Social Media Management Guide.

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Yulia.jpgYulia Dianova is a public relations professional who is skilled in building relationships with target audiences. She provides counsel to organizations that seek PR help to further their growth and reach their goals. Yulia earned a master’s degree in public relations management from University of Maryland University College. She is fluent in Russian and English and is always looking for a new challenge. Yulia has worked for Axia Public Relations since July 2015. Learn more about Yulia Dianova. Connect with Axia on Twitter @axiapr or tell us what you think in the comments below.


Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: public relations, ethics, shared media

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