Get your client published in no time following these simple steps
Media coverage is very important to your clients. It gives them brand recognition and connects them with their target audiences and potential investors. Getting media coverage is not always easy. Here are five suggestions that will help you get media coverage for your client.
1. Have a plan.
Develop a step-by-step media strategy plan. If you reach out to media representatives without a solid plan that you base on research and background information, you probably won’t get the results you want. Do your research and have a consistent plan with identified time frames and benchmarks for success. Media relations is an integral part of a marketing strategy and needs as much planning as any other marketing efforts.
2. Do your homework.
Research selected journalists who write about what you have to offer. You can Google stories about your topic to see which journalists are writing about it. Tailor your story to these journalists’ preferences. Use angles they’re interested in and be mindful of their deadlines. It’s easy to find and contact journalists through social media.
3. Use existing news stories.
Find out what is trending in the news. What is everyone talking about? Take advantage of the popularity of an existing story. It could help you generate more attention for your client’s story and brand. You can do a write-up on your client’s opinions about a current event or write a follow-up piece.
4. Incorporate community leadership.
Keep an eye out for local events, charities and causes that are sure to attract media attention. Getting your clients to participate and support a local cause may offer them more exposure and media coverage.
5. Provide strong social media marketing content.
Most journalists and media publications look to social media as a source for material and inspiration. Your clients should stand out on their targeted social media platforms. They will have a better chance of getting featured in some capacity if their social media content is captivating and frequent. Have your clients publish interesting and helpful content regularly as part of their social media marketing campaign. Encourage them to work with thought-leaders in their industry and to be genuine and helpful.
Getting media coverage for your clients is essential for their success and business development. Media coverage will increase their brand recognition, establish them as experts in their niche and bring them more business. Axia Public Relations takes media relations very seriously, incorporating it as a part of every client’s marketing effort. Download Axia’s e-book Learn Media Relations From The Media today to learn what journalists are looking for and the best ways to connect with them.

Yulia Dianova is a public relations professional who is skilled in building relationships with target audiences. She provides counsel to organizations that seek PR help to further their growth and reach their goals. Yulia earned a master’s degree in public relations management from University of Maryland University College. She is fluent in Russian and English and is always looking for a new challenge. Yulia has worked for Axia Public Relations since July 2015. Learn more about Yulia Dianova. Connect with Axia on Twitter @axiapr or tell us what you think in the comments below.
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Topics: media relations, media, public companies
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