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6 easy ways PR agencies can start using AI

By Axia Public Relations

Editor’s note: This article was produced using automated technology and then edited and verified for accuracy by a member of Axia Public Relations’ editorial team. 


A motherboard used for AI.As technology continues to evolve, PR agencies should look for ways to stay ahead of the curve. Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly popular and accessible, and we’ve seen industries adopt and adapt to the new technology — and public relations is no exception.


AI can assist PR agencies in several ways, from improving media monitoring to creating more targeted campaigns. Let’s explore six ways PR agencies can start using AI to streamline tasks and optimize best practices.


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1. Media Monitoring

The traditional method of monitoring the media is manually scanning through articles and social media posts, which can be time-consuming and risks missing important information. AI can help automate this process by scanning vast amounts of data to detect media mentions of a company or brand. AI can also provide sentiment analysis, which helps gauge public opinion and monitor online reputation. This type of automated monitoring can save time and ensure nothing is overlooked.



2. Predictive Analytics

AI can be used to predict trends and analyze data to assist PR agencies in planning campaigns and strategies. It can also assist in analyzing customer behavior, which can help create more effective campaigns and better understand what resonates with target audiences.


According to a study by Harvard Business Review, AI algorithms can learn, measure, and predict customer behavior and experience using qualitative data. PR agencies can benefit from this by gaining the ability to identify the root causes of issues, for example, and allocate resources accordingly to satisfy customers. 


3. Social Media Management

Social media is a crucial aspect of PR and marketing, but it can be challenging to manage. AI can help automate social media management by scheduling posts, analyzing engagement metrics, and monitoring comments. AI can also assist in identifying influencers and potential brand ambassadors. Social media management can be time-consuming, but AI can help streamline the process, allowing PR agencies to focus on other aspects of their campaigns.


4. Personalized Content Creation

AI can help create personalized content by analyzing user data and tailoring content to individual preferences. This type of content can more effectively engage audiences and drive conversions. AI can also assist in creating automated content, such as chatbots or email marketing campaigns.


5. Crisis Management

One of the most critical aspects of PR is crisis management. AI can assist in detecting potential issues and assessing the severity of a crisis. This can help PR agencies prepare for and respond to crises more effectively. AI can also assist in analyzing sentiment and identifying key influencers during a crisis.


6. Targeted Media Outreach

AI can assist in targeting the right journalists and media outlets for a PR campaign by analyzing data to identify journalists who are most likely to cover a particular story. By tailoring a pitch to align with what a journalist needs for coverage, the story is more likely to secure media coverage.


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Photo by Johannes Plenio

Topics: artificial intelligence

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