Use PR for more effective communication
Obviously, you don’t remember every article you’ve ever read or every social media post you’ve ever seen. However, there are always some that stay with you for days, weeks or even months. What does it take for a message to stick? More importantly, is your company doing what it takes for your information to be memorable?
People make entire careers studying how to capture consumer attention and gain their trust. With help from PR, you can learn how to take advantage of this information and use it to improve customer engagement efforts for increased profits.
How your company can make messages more memorable
Research has shown that it now takes more than 20 touch points to convert leads into sales, compared to less than 10 just a few years ago. Mobile devices, social media and round-the-clock everything has lead consumers to expect more valuable content before they remember you and commit to a sale. This has served to extend the typical sales cycle.
It also means that your company must know the best ways to make the greatest impact. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your press releases and message distribution:
Text-only press releases don’t get read. Journalists don’t like getting interested in a story and then searching hours for accompanying visuals. The easier you make their job, the more likely you are to capture their attention.
A minute of video is equal to a million words. Consumers spend three times longer looking at information that includes videos and images.
A majority of humans process visuals thousands of times faster than text. In other words, they retain more of what they can see and hear, as opposed to when they just read it.
Give your audiences something to click on. For example, you should always give them the option to go to your homepage, a key landing page or make a purchase.
Users upload and share more than 1.8 billion photos each day. Images from your company should be included among that number. Find photos that are interesting, representative of your brand and that tell your story.
When posting on social media, put AP style on the back burner. Tactics such as using numbers (“5” instead of “five”) and hashtags will allow you to fit more information.
It’s best to post videos later in the day or at night. Studies have demonstrated that people are more interested in hard news in the morning.
Try, measure, adjust and repeat. You will get nowhere if you don’t know which messages and techniques are working and which aren’t. It is vital to try different images, communication vehicles and platforms and then track the results. This is how you will learn to develop the most effective content.
The value of a PR firm in content management
It seems that just as we’re beginning to better understand the impact of valuable content on consumer trust, PR budgets are being slashed. However, now is the time to use the skills and knowledge of PR professionals to create more targeted messages on the right platforms for maximum impact.
At Axia Public Relations, we have the tools to help you tell your story with words, images and special effects. With our assistance, you can rest assured that your messages are delivered loud and clear to your audiences wherever they are. Contact us today or register for our 60-Second Impact to learn how we can help you increase your visibility and profits.

Topics: public relations, shared media
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