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Jason Mudd

Jason Mudd

Jason Mudd, APR, is CEO of Axia Public Relations. He is certified in inbound marketing and is an Emmy Award-winning, accredited public relations practitioner, speaker, author and entrepreneur. Jason has been CEO of Axia since 2002.

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3 factors executives should consider before making political statements about Trump (or anyone else)

When executives voluntarily engage in hot topics trending in the media, particularly politics, they sometimes forget that their positions are not bully pulpits or soapboxes.

Often, dangerous roads lie ahead for alienating customers, stockholders and employees.

In cases where emotions run high and trigger a public reaction before public relations processes can be helpful, PR teams frequently find themselves rebounding from derision instead of working to promote success.

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Topics: public relations, media

When PR belongs in the C-suite

Want to boost your company’s PR power? Report to the C-suite

The public relations departments of the nation’s most successful companies are shaking things up – and the results could help businesses communicate like the nation’s top money-makers, boosting their brand reputations and revenues.

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Topics: public relations, corporate communications

Ingredients of a PR plan

Developing a public relations plan can seem like a tedious, time-consuming task, but with the right planning and a coherent map, you will ultimately save time and money and enjoy more success. Here are the basic elements to any great PR plan:





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Topics: public relations

​The 5 commercials that won Super Bowl 50

Whether you thought Lady Gaga nailed the national anthem or you hailed the combination of Coldplay, Beyonce and Bruno Mars’ halftime show, Super Bowl 50 proved to be yet another stunner.

Denver's defense led the Broncos (and Peyton Manning) to victory while MVPs from Super Bowls past showed us they can still rock a tailored suit.

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Topics: public relations, Super Bowl

3 things that make a Super Bowl ad a touchdown

Are you ready for some football (or the ads)?

The Super Bowl is fraught with traditions: adult beverages, hot wings and viewers gripped by an exciting football game and intricately woven-in advertisements.

Most of us have our list of favorite commercials, yet corporations don’t spend millions on creative ads simply for the sake of being creative. They want their messaging contained within the ads to stand out equally as strong.

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Topics: public relations, Super Bowl

How to use PR to outsmart Super Bowl ads

The Super Bowl is the Holy Grail of advertising. But membership to this elite club costs north of $5 million per 30-second commercial. And that is some serious capital.

What if your business can’t afford such a significant investment? The answer, quite simply, is to invest your money wisely in other forms of public relations and marketing.

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Topics: public relations, Super Bowl

​Learning from the 3 best Super Bowl commercials ever

Since 1989, USA Today has tallied the top-ranked Super Bowl commercials through its Ad Meter ranking system.

This approach combines results from a privately selected panel and feedback obtained through social media to determine commercial rank.

As we gear up for Super Bowl Sunday, here’s a brief look at the top three Super Bowl ads and what made them so memorable.

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Topics: public relations, media, Super Bowl

​Super Bowl ads: Are they worth the investment?

Nearly a year ago, business executives began hatching plans to invest millions of dollars in single advertisements to air during Super Bowl 50.

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Topics: public relations, Super Bowl

4 things we’re very excited about in January 2016

As we turn the calendar to 2016, there are four things we’re very excited to share with you.

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Topics: public relations, ReviewMaxer, Undercover Boss

The strategy of being remarkable

December 2015

Estimated Reading Time: 60 Seconds

Incorporate remarkability, good SEO practices into business strategy

By definition, the best way to set yourself apart from your competition is to be remarkable, so make a point of it. Proper search engine optimization will ensure that your website ranks well on Google so that potential customers can find you. It’s time for your company to say “goodbye” to 2015 and “hello” to a remarkable new strategy for success.

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Topics: public relations, 60-Second Impact

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