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Jason Mudd

Jason Mudd

Jason Mudd, APR, is CEO of Axia Public Relations. He is certified in inbound marketing and is an Emmy Award-winning, accredited public relations practitioner, speaker, author and entrepreneur. Jason has been CEO of Axia since 2002.

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Recent Posts:

Reach the right audiences and win their loyalty

You won’t win true customer loyalty with flashing lights and shiny objects; your values and your brand identity are what will attract and retain consumers long-term. Keep an eye on the next generation’s habits and favored platforms in order to better connect with them. You don’t have to look far to find templates to model your business’ success after.

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Topics: public relations, shared media, 60-Second Impact

Make memories, make profits


Instead of being irritating with ads, connect emotionally with consumers

Internet users are tired of seeing your ads; it’s time for a new approach. Reaching consumers on an emotional and personal level will keep you fresh in their minds and set you apart from your competition. The best way to forge a deep connection is to laser-target your messages to specific audiences. Don’t worry if you’re not at the technological forefront of your field; as long as you make positive and memorable impressions on consumers, you can still lead the pack.

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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing, 60-Second Impact

4 more ways to save money with your PR firm

This is one story in our series on how you can save money with a PR firm. Read about fourteen ways you can save with a PR firm as well.


Saving money is important, and you don’t have to sacrifice results to do it

I recently wrote an expert column for bizjournals.com and its network of 43 print and online business journals across the U.S. about how American companies can save money on their PR agency bills. These tips are very popular and I wanted to share a few more to provide additional special value for our blog readers.

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Topics: public relations

The (not so) hidden value of strategic communications

In the world of art, every picture tells a story. In the world of business, every company has a story to tell. Successful companies know how to distill their narratives into compelling, brand-defining messages as artfully as a master storyteller.


In the crowded marketplace, companies that enlist the help of PR pros to strategically craft their messages increase their chances of standing out among competitors. But it’s not enough to print these key messages on marketing materials and publish them on web sites.




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Topics: public relations, franchisors

Strong digital strategies net customers, profits

Meeting and exceeding your customers’ digital expectations is crucial to the future and success of your business. Metadescription tags are your final lifeline in your efforts to attract users to your website. The best creative in the world won’t get you anywhere if you don’t have the right strategy supporting it.


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Topics: public relations, reputation management, ReviewMaxer, online reputation management

10 ways your company can handle the media

What to do when the media calls

Too often, companies discount the value of media coverage. Some get anxious about it while others are just too busy, but most simply don’t know what to do. The media has a responsibility to cover business news and industry trends. Your organization has a critical role in this process. With a prompt and strategic response, your business can leverage valuable opportunities for media coverage.

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Topics: public relations, spokesperson training, earned media

How to master a print interview

Getting your message across in a magazine, newspaper or website is important for your brand

Print interviews offer opportunities for more details and depth than other media offer. Below are a few “inside tips” that we give our clients to help them ensure a successful print news interview.

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Topics: public relations

Be Legendary

You earn your customers’ loyalty through the experiences you offer them. Make sure your company image and your hard-earned ideas and successes aren’t up for grabs. Take a load off and tell us about your best Stones or Deadhead experiences – you can get back to work later.

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Mastering radio interviews

How to ensure you have a successful radio news interview

Some people refer to the radio as the “theater of the mind.” It is very important to get your message across with enthusiasm in order to excite the imagination and capture the mindshare of your audience. Here are some “inside tips” that we give our clients to help them master their radio interviews:

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Topics: public relations, spokesperson training

Mastering a TV interview

Tips for pulling off a great television news interview

During a TV news interview, the audience can see and hear you, which presents a unique set of challenges. Preparing for how the viewer will see you helps ensure that your audience hears your message clearly. Here are a several “inside tips” that we give our clients to help them master their television interviews:  

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Topics: public relations, spokesperson training

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