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Use all available tools – old and new – to stay ahead
One age-old tool can spark monumental, industry-wide change. If your company website isn’t mobile-friendly, you could face serious consequences. It’s time to have an honest talk about your strategy and your future.
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If you ignore Google, it may ignore you!
By Jason Mudd, APR
Your company has followed all the smart advice about making the most of social media for business. Most likely, you have hired a social media manager (or outsourced one) who ensures that you have a constant presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and maybe even Instagram and Pinterest. You may also have some videos on YouTube. What about Google+?
Many companies have neglected Google+ because they feel it’s still new and unpopular. However, there are several reasons why you need to give this platform more than a passing glance. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Google+ should move to the front of the line when it comes to the social media focus for your business. Here’s why:
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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing, shared media
Distinguish yourself from the competition to see results
Odds are you don’t have a monopoly on your customers’ loyalty, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. It doesn’t matter how many people know about you unless they’re actually making purchases. To achieve remarkable results, produce a remarkable message.
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If your company doesn’t appear within the first two pages of Google search results, you could be in trouble. Even though it’s not usually considered part of the plan, strong corporate leadership could be an invaluable tool for your company’s success. Earn your customers’ trust to keep their business.
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Topics: inbound marketing
Understanding the ripple effect of a bad business decision
After a massive data breach, a failed expansion into Canada and increasing negativity from employees, Target's recent decision to rescind the job offers of dozens of new corporate hires was the latest in a string of blunders plaguing the big-box retail store. Target recently opted to terminate 40 of its newest team members within two weeks of their expected start date – with no explanation, except that their positions were no longer available.
The Minneapolis-based, mammoth retailer should have anticipated the potential repercussions of such a decision before dismantling 40 corporate jobs without explanation. This latest flub has brought about a flurry of negative media scrutiny and speculation concerning Target’s financial performance and a potential class-action lawsuit. And worst of all, Target is sending a message that its employees (and its reputation) aren't valued.
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Topics: public relations, crisis communications
Taking extra care of your customers could be the key to your business’ success in 2015. Google’s new algorithms mandate a significant change in your SEO practices. Now is the time to re-evaluate and switch directions for your business.
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Topics: inbound marketing
By Jonathan Bernstein and Jason Mudd, APR
Current events demonstrate that a crisis can strike a company at any time. It's a matter of when, not if. Don’t think that it can’t happen to you.
Natural and man-made disasters happen all the time and often without notice. No one knows when or if events like the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, SARS, anthrax, or a tornado may occur. In these times, every business must be prepared. Otherwise, you risk the possibility that the media will drag your company through the wringer and allow the public to judge you by scandalous front-page headlines.
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Topics: public relations, crisis communications
Earlier this year, the New York Times published an article about The Council of Public Relations Firms, which lists more than 100 PR agencies as its members. The association met in an effort to not only redefine its own image, but attempt to redefine public relations in this new digitally-focused age. What concerns me as a 20-year veteran of the communications and public relations profession is the fact that our industry--as evidenced by the article--is amid an identity crisis.
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Topics: public relations
Practice unique creativity to attract attention
Take a close look at your efforts to reach your audiences this past year – did you make the cut? There is one surefire way for you to attract consumers’ ever-important attention. Remarkable creativity will speak to your audiences and make your business stand out.
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Topics: 60-Second Impact
Historically, headline-seeking journalists have struggled with reaching live spokespersons for interviews and with extracting necessary facts from press releases shared in newsrooms. Happily, though, times have changed, spurred on by the burgeoning digital realm and the creation of the online newsroom.
Big and small businesses alike can turn website real estate into useful bits and bytes for the press. Downloadable videos, news releases, photographs/executive headshots, biographies, movie trailers, application reviews and the like appear with ease online for immediate viewing and download. It is this website subsection that we refer to as the online newsroom.
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Topics: public relations, media
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