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Jason Mudd

Jason Mudd

Jason Mudd, APR, is CEO of Axia Public Relations. He is certified in inbound marketing and is an Emmy Award-winning, accredited public relations practitioner, speaker, author and entrepreneur. Jason has been CEO of Axia since 2002.

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Recent Posts:

Control Your Info

Control your own information, ensure you’re found

Take control of what and how information about your business reaches your target audiences. Figure out how much it’s worth for your company to be listed on the first page of Google search results. Make sure your potential customers can find you, wherever you are.

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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing

Maximize 2014 Profits

Adjust efforts, provide valuable customer experience to maximize profits

Conduct a thorough company audit to maximize your profits in the second half of the year. The value it provides (rightly) makes Starbucks think it can increase prices at will; maybe you can, too. Partner with a firm that understands you, the process and how to get you to the top.

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Topics: public relations

Flagship product fail – now what? PR strategy examples from Amazon’s recent “Fire” rollout

You’ve rolled out a new flagship product. You’ve worked hard at research and development, marketing and promotions. You were ready. You thought your customers were ready.

And then … it flops, and lots of people are talking about it. What can you do from a PR perspective to preserve your brand reputation or change the conversation? Maybe your idea didn’t scratch up to all you’d envisioned for it, or maybe it was just ahead of its time. Read on for valuable ideas to help boost your results, either way.

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Topics: public relations, reputation management, online reputation management

3 reasons a PR agency might fire your company. Get the most from your PR investment with these tips

Panera’s advertising agency recently said “no more” to the retail restaurant/bakery giant, citing problems like too many quick changes as a source of ongoing problems and a major halt to progress. Here's our three tips for making PR agency relations work.

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Topics: public relations, PR tips

Want to boost your company’s PR power? Report to the C Suite, study says

There’s a shakeup afoot in the public relations and marketing departments of the nation’s most successful companies. According to a recent study by the Council of Public Relations Firms (CPRF), PR professionals at companies appearing on Fortune’s Most Admired list report not to the marketing department, but to the “C Suite,” that is, CEO, COO and/or chairman. In fact, 63 percent of Fortune 500 companies, those raking in $6 billion in annual revenues, have their PR departments reporting directly to executive offices, as opposed to 42 percent of Fortune 20,000 companies, or those making less than $100 million.

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Topics: public relations, PR tips

Learn from the source what growing your business by investing in PR really means

Public relations firm owner and expert Jason Mudd lays it on the line

Public relations is experiencing an identity crisis. Ironic as that might be, I’ve been saying it for over almost two decades.

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Topics: public relations

PR firm owner and expert Jason Mudd lays it on the line

Learn from the source what growing your business by investing in public relations really means


Public relations is experiencing an identity crisis. Ironic as that might be, I’ve been saying it for over almost two decades.


Few aside from professional insiders and smart executives understand what exactly public relations is and does. Most business executives that I meet know they need and want PR; they just aren’t sure what it is, how it works, where to start or how to get there. They do know good PR is good, and people tell them they should have or they deserve PR.


So what happened? Why the less-than-sterling reputation for the industry? The whole thing is almost like some urban legend: intangible, invisible, hocus-pocus.


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Topics: public relations

You on LinkedIn: your audience thinks it’s legit

Update that profile (audiences notice) and 5 other PR tips for LinkedIn

Moving on from how to use Twitter to updating your LinkedIn: If you know you need to strengthen your online reputation, you can’t overlook LinkedIn anymore. To your audiences, it’s totally legit. It’s also one serious way you can cut through the social media clutter that clogs up every industry. Read on to see how the recent report shared on Forbesimpacts how you use LinkedIn to build your brand as part of your PR strategy.

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Topics: public relations, PR tips, shared media

How to use Twitter and avoid failure

How to deal with what’s wild (and wildly effective) about this platform  

Let's continue on our social media binge this week and dive into one platform in particular  the wild horse of social media  Twitter.

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Topics: public relations, PR tips, shared media

Pay close attention to loyalty, crack the code

Recognize and reward your most profitable customers to maximize growth. When you can crack the code, you’ll have a lock on your success. Consult the experts when determining how best to increase your profits.


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Topics: inbound marketing, 60-Second Impact

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