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Jason Mudd

Jason Mudd

Jason Mudd, APR, is CEO of Axia Public Relations. He is certified in inbound marketing and is an Emmy Award-winning, accredited public relations practitioner, speaker, author and entrepreneur. Jason has been CEO of Axia since 2002.

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Recent Posts:

What are vanity metrics? Do they really matter in PR?

The definition of vanity metrics, and why they don’t really matter.


What we usually think of as vanity metrics are numbers like impressions, advertising value “equivalents” (AVEs), mentions, likes, shares, re-tweets, clicks, page views, downloads, etc. Although some vanity metrics may be important for historical benchmarking or baseline purposes, they shouldn’t be relied on for real intelligence. 


Vanity metrics are good for feeling “warm and fuzzy” and bad for action. In other words, vanity metrics are numbers that feel important yet are fundamentally superficial, or worse, deceptive. They are numbers for numbers’ sake.


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Topics: measurement

Media relations during COVID-19

This is one story in our series about COVID-19. Read 8 ways your PR agency can assist you during COVID-19 for more.


Even as the media's primary focus is on the coronavirus pandemic, journalists are looking for non-COVID-19 stories. For example, a London features and deputy news editor put out a call for "non-CV stories" and then replied with this:


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Topics: media relations

Attribution technology: Finally, there's a way to prove your company’s ROI for news coverage

This is a story about determining ROI for public relations efforts. There is also a story about learning the fundamentals of measuring PR ROI as well.


When most people think about public relations, they tend to think PR is earned media coverage. (Even though PR is more than earned media coverage.)


And what is earned media anyway?


Traditionally, measuring a PR campaign and its outcomes were challenging. You may have even been told that public relations can't be measured. When it was measured, it was often assigned "publicity value," "advertising value equivalency," or some other arbitrary number. It doesn't have to be.


The industry is evolving quickly, making PR increasingly measurable through attribution technology.


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Topics: measurement

4 communications actions your company can do during COVID-19

This is one story in our series about COVID-19. Read 8 ways your PR agency can assist you during COVID-19 and Don't think you need a PR agency right now? Think again for more.


It’s difficult to determine the best course of action for communications during this unusual time. You want to be as sensitive as possible to people’s distress and anguish, and you want to stay engaged, operating from a place of care and concern for your employees, your customers, and your community. Here are some things to consider to maintain a proper level of internal and external communications while waiting for this crisis to pass.


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Topics: crisis communications

8 ways your PR agency can assist you during COVID-19

This is one story in our series about COVID-19. Read Don't think you need a PR agency right now? Think again and 4 communications actions your company can do during COVID-19 for more.


Many companies instinctively leap to tighten the belt on budgets and rein in costs in times of economic crisis; however, don’t be too quick to cut your public relations firms. 


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Topics: crisis communications

How to be a great podcast guest

Many say podcasts are a fast-growing media platform to increase brand exposure. It’s an often-overlooked opportunity for a company’s experts and spokespersons to share insight and company information with faithful podcast listeners. Just like with any other media interview, there are ways that your company’s spokesperson can prepare to participate on a podcast and truly shine as a great podcast guest. 


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Topics: online public relations

Why small businesses struggle with PR firms

This is one story about PR and small businesses. Read How small companies do PR and what big companies can learn from them for more.


Our public relations agency specializes in helping regional and national companies with news, social, and web services to build awareness, consideration, and sales for their companies' experts, products, and services. This includes a special focus on construction, professional services, and consumer services companies as well as franchisors. 


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Topics: public relations

Don't think you need a PR agency right now? Think again

This is one story in our series about COVID-19. Read 8 ways your PR agency can assist you during COVID-19 and 4 communications actions your company can do during COVID-19 for more.


With COVID-19 and the economy on hold, there's a huge need and opportunity for thoughtful and strategic corporate communications


Beyond the "what we're doing to prepare for coronavirus" messages that overwhelm your inbox, your brand needs help communicating during COVID-19 and the economic climate. PR firms are busy helping clients with external and internal communications.


Now is not the time to go silent. Now is the time to stay visible by helping your target audience adjust, survive, and thrive in the current environment.


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Topics: crisis communications

How much money can you save by working from home?

Research shows that telecommuters can save at least $2K and often more than $7K


This is one story in our series on the benefits of working from home. Read about how remote employees can be more productive than office ones for more.


In addition to letting you avoid the stench of Payroll Stan’s microwaved fish, working remotely (like from home) can save employees a ton of time and money.


According to research from The Ladders, MarketWatch, and other sources, employees really want to work from home. In fact:


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Topics: public relations

What to do when the media calls

Too often companies discount the value of media coverage. Some get anxiety, others are too busy, but most don't know what to do. The media has a responsibility to cover business news and industry trends. Your organization has a critical role in this process. With a prompt and strategic response, your business can leverage opportunities for media coverage. These tips will help you manage calls from the media. 


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Topics: media relations

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