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Lisa Goldsberry

Lisa Goldsberry

Lisa Goldsberry is a writer for Axia Public Relations with more than 15 years of public relations experience. She specializes in business, higher education and technology PR. Lisa has worked for Axia Public Relations since December 2013.

Learn more about Lisa Goldsberry.

Read Lisa's recent blog posts below.

Recent Posts:

What your company can learn from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Use PR to increase the success of your next campaign

You saw them by the thousands. Famous and regular folks alike were voluntarily having friends and family dump buckets of ice water on their heads. Perhaps you even participated yourself, like Axia Public Relations’ own intrepid CEO Jason Mudd. Yes, the ALS Association’s Ice Bucket Challenge was most certainly a successful social media campaign.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

Top 5 media relations practices to attract more coverage

Let PR show you how to get a reporter’s attention and keep it

Media coverage is an ideal way to educate people about your product, inform them about your events, highlight your company or feature your CEO as a thought leader in your industry. As a result, every business wants to know the secrets for obtaining more media coverage.

While there is no one-size-fits-every-company answer, there are media relations practices and habits you can adopt to increase your chances of coverage success. With help from PR, you can get the media coverage your company needs and deserves.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, news release

5 ways to use social media to collect online customer reviews

Learn why your current efforts may not be working and how PR can help.


Your company is wonderful and many of your customers tell you so. If only they could tell other customers, prospects, applicants, and key stakeholders.


Well, they can, through social media and online review sites.


But with so many sites to choose from, which ones are best?

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Topics: public relations, online review management, shared media

7 steps to working effectively with your PR firm

Start the relationship on the right foot for your company’s success and profitability

What it takes for businesses to excite customers and attract top-quality talent has changed a lot in recent years. As a result, many companies have turned to public relations firms to help meet these needs. Indeed, hiring a PR firm for your company can deliver amazing outcomes, but only when you work together effectively.

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Topics: public relations, spokesperson training, investment, shared media

PR: It isn’t just for crises anymore

4 ways to use PR proactively for increased profitability

When you want to communicate better with your customers, build relationships, solve problems, boost credibility and influence buyer decisions, who do you call? You may be surprised to learn that the answer is a public relations firm.

If you only use public relations when there is a crisis, then your business could be in trouble. Even worse, you are falling behind your competitors who do use PR to its full advantage. It’s in your best interest to learn more about this important field and how it can deliver results.

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Topics: public relations, crisis communications, online reputation management

Top 10 secrets to social media success

Let PR show you how to use this vital tool successfully

Have you noticed how some companies seem to be masters at social media while others are still floundering, sputtering and completely lost? With so much riding on social media success, you want to make sure that your company is one of the former.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

Using social media to get ahead of the competition

Learn how you compare with others in your industry and how to improve social media ROI

Are your social media efforts working for you? Sure, you have a presence on all the relevant social media platforms and you receive periodic feedback from customers, but do any of these things increase your market share or improve your brand? How can you find out?

Let’s face it. Social media is a waste of time unless it helps you achieve measurable results. This includes knowing if you are gaining leads and how your efforts stack up against the competition. Now there is a resource that can help.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

Top 5 mistakes brands are making on Twitter

Avoid these missteps to use Twitter to its full advantage

You’ve consulted with experts and dedicated a staff member to handle social media. The company Facebook page looks phenomenal and your LinkedIn articles get viewed and shared periodically. You post to Twitter also, but are you sure you’re doing it correctly?

Some social media sites, like Google+, are easily adaptable for businesses. Others, like Twitter, can be more complicated, and it’s easy for companies to make reputation-crushing mistakes. Learn the right (and wrong) ways to use Twitter for brand recognition and consumer engagement.

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Topics: public relations, content management, shared media

Top 5 social media goofs of all time

Avoid these issues and keep your company off this list

Nobody’s perfect. We’ve all made mistakes we’d like to forget. Still, some companies make goofs that will live in infamy, especially when it comes to social media.


The very nature of social media means missteps become memorable and fails quickly go viral. With the ability to connect with millions of consumers and spread your company’s messages worldwide comes the possibility for gaffes on a global scale. Here are a few of our favorites.

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Topics: public relations, crisis communications, shared media

Are advertorials unethical?

Learn more about this media relations tool to make the choice that is right for your company


Your company or PR department has been offered what seems like an amazing deal. A newspaper has agreed to publish your story or news…for a fee. What they are offering is called an advertorial. Is this illegal? No, but it may be unethical.


Advertorials are becoming more popular. Companies see them as a way to guarantee placement in a newspaper of their choice. However, purchasing exposure instead of earning it is called advertising, plain and simple. Once you understand more about this tactic and how it compares to true PR work, you can decide what is best for your company and image.

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Topics: public relations, media

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