Blogging helps your business grow SEO and generate leads.
What’s the first word you think of when you hear the word blogging? Is it boring? If so, you’re not alone. Corporate communications, marketing, public relations and business leaders tend to consider blogging boring and a waste of resources. That’s not the case, though. Blogging has multiple benefits for your company, including increased search engine optimization and lead generation. Adding high-quality articles and blogs to your website is the easiest way to get more website visitors.
Search engines love blogging. They reward sites that actively blog, following these best practices:
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- Make 80% of your posts insightful and helpful how-to content that makes life easier for your audience.
- Use only 20% of your content for promoting your organization and its products and services.
- Pre-plan 80% of your content using a content calendar, and allow yourself to be spontaneous for the other 20%.
- Review industry editorial calendars; they’re one of the best places to get ideas for content. Write the content they’ll be writing in about two to three months. They might find yours and opt to quote you for their industry articles.
- Have sales and service team members write down every single question potential customers or clients ask them. They answer questions daily and can give you dozens or hundreds of topic ideas.
- Sponsor a contest for clients where you give away a pizza party or a gift card to the individual or department that generates the most industry questions within a given period of time.
- Include calls to action.
- Hyperlink to your other blog posts and posts from non-competitive credible blogs.
- Solve a problem or answer questions within your blog posts.
After starting our blog in 2005, Axia’s website traffic immediately doubled. We decided to double our blogging once again, and then our website traffic doubled again! The cycle continued, and now we do the same thing for our clients. Remember, blogs don’t have to always be lengthy and dense. They can be fun, too. At Axia, we value brevity in sharing our expertise. If you want to learn how to manage your blog successfully, read our article on “How to start a blog and keep it fun!”
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
Topics: SEO, owned media, web media
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