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Company culture: How it influences future business

By Clarissa Schearer

brooke-cagle-g1Kr4Ozfoac-unsplashYour company’s culture is what defines your organization. It sets the tone for how your employees work and how the public views your company. Your company’s culture can determine whether a potential customer chooses you over your competitors.


Every company has a culture whether it’s intentional or not. When building an ideal company culture, HubSpot recommends writing a Culture Code and making it available to attract new talent. Without a great team, you can’t create great products or generate new business.


According to Forbes, the top three companies for corporate culture are the following (featuring employee testimonials):


1. Costco

"I love the fact that while I’m at work, I don’t feel like I’m working. Most of my colleagues are having fun doing what they do every day, which makes for an extremely happy work atmosphere."


2. Google

"Employees are encouraged to be productive without overexerting themselves. We’re encouraged to take our vacation."


3. T-Mobile

"People are happy and upbeat. We live out our culture every day. Magenta isn't just a color it’s a verb and a big part of what makes us different."


How can great company culture lead your company to success?


First, think of how each of these companies makes you feel. Next, think of any news you’ve read or heard about these companies recently. Lastly, think of stories or experiences that people have told you involving these companies. How many are positive or negative? You’ve probably had positive or neutral experiences with all three of these companies. Your perception has more than likely driven you to keep buying or using their products. You’re more likely to feel better about shopping with Costco, Google, and T-Mobile since each has a great company culture. You feel better about your purchases knowing the employees love working for the company and, therefore, love serving you.


Not only do positive employee experiences attract customers, they drive more positive media coverage. A company that values culture doesn’t have employees ready to run to the media with a scandalous story about how horribly it treats employees and customers. Companies that value company culture typically don’t have any negative stories in the news. Instead, they create opportunities to focus on their accomplishments when generating new media coverage.


Keep in mind that employees who feel more secure at their company will work harder to see their company grow. According to Harvard Business Review, organizations with low employee engagement scores experienced 18% lower productivity, 16% lower profitability, 37% lower job growth, and 65% lower share price over time. Employees will work harder for that new sale or take professional development more seriously for the betterment of the company when there’s more employee-company engagement. Creating a positive culture is possible even with multiple offices.


With a set guideline on company culture, your organization will flourish with better employee productivity and positive media coverage. Keep talking about your company’s culture, let it constantly evolve, and get employees involved to make it part of your business strategy. That’s the secret sauce of your company.


Axia Public Relations helps communicate your company culture and earn you positive news coverage. Learn media relations from the media with our complimentary e-book.

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Clarissa Schearer is an intern for Axia Public Relations and a student at the University of North Florida. She is interested in news and social media. Clarissa has worked for Axia since August 2019.


Featured photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Topics: PR tips, news media

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