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Do you still need meta tag keywords in your site header for SEO?

By Axia Public Relations

Explore the need for meta tag keywords and further enhance your website reach with ease


HTML code of a website header.Since the inception of the internet, websites have become a decisive component in creating a brand's digital image. Most consumers are online, which is why businesses prefer to optimize their virtual platforms to attract leads. Good SEO techniques and their elements can efficiently help web pages secure more visitors. Meta tag keywords communicate with search engines by helping them ascertain the topic of a web page.


Google's algorithms are quick and smart. They seek, analyze, and provide the most relevant results to the users. In earlier days, developers filled meta tags with effective keywords, which led to their increased popularity. Let’s explore the relevance of these techniques.



Are meta tag keywords still effective?


The short answer is no. Meta tags no longer contribute to the ranking of websites. The metadata held by them is often ignored by search engines when they rank pages. The algorithms might use this data to understand your services and will sometimes display them as snippets over the results pages. 


There is no need to include meta tag keywords in your site headers for SEO purposes since they no longer impact site rankings. Meta tags help categorize your web pages and inform the search engines about the description of your brand but nothing more. Decades ago, these tags held a decisive role in page rankings. Search engines like Google have gradually placed less emphasis on these tags because of the extensive exploitation of keyword stuffing. 


Axia’s team of experts would be happy to help you understand the SEO techniques and upgrade your websites to make them SEO compliant. Reach out to the Axia Public Relations team for an obligation-free website consultation and kickstart your journey! 


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Topics: SEO, online public relations, web design & development

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