Is 3 months too soon? Is a year too long? Learn more about what PR can and can’t do for your business
You’ve signed on with a new public relations agency. It’s been several months and you’re not seeing any real results. Should you give the firm more time? Or, is it time to find a new PR firm?
You know PR is an ongoing process; yet, you need to have something concrete to show the C-suite or board of directors to justify the expense. This post will help explain what you can expect from your PR firm and in what time frame.
PR timelines
Every company is different, with unique PR needs and objectives. Having realistic expectations, on both sides, will improve your relationship with your PR firm and generate positive results.
Media relations
If your company is seeking more media exposure, look for a PR firm with a proven success rate in news coverage. Getting media hits often requires a history of building relationships with journalists and knowing what they want. An experienced PR agency should be able to hit the ground running.
Still, you shouldn’t expect immediate results. It takes time to learn about your needs and to differentiate what makes you special. Your PR firm will then develop a communications strategy that includes media. There are instances when the perfect marriage of the right news story and media interest occurs quickly, but this doesn’t always happen. Factors like news cycles and which news outlets your PR agency is targeting can affect timelines. It may take three months or longer before you see any media hits. You might see guest blog posts published on key sites a bit sooner.
Speaking engagements
Having your CEO or other top officials speak at major conferences or events can be quite an achievement for your company. Public speaking engagements increase your visibility, generate publicity and establish your credibility as a thought-leader in your industry.
Since events are often planned well in advance, it can take six months to a year before you’re booked as a speaker at a large conference or industry symposium. You may see results faster by starting small. For example, your PR firm might arrange for you to speak at a local university or a community function.
Social media
With so many different social media channels, the possibilities to communicate and engage with customers might seem almost endless. Some people believe that all you have to do is jump on a site and start posting to see immediate results. The reality is managing and optimizing your social media presence and encouraging real dialogue takes planning, customization and patience. You must create a sustainable, long-term strategy that incorporates content in many forms and locations.
A good PR firm can help you reach the right influencers, craft valuable messages and build an army of brand ambassadors. It’s important to determine what you want social media to do for you and what success will look like for you, and then draft a plan of action. Social media initiatives can take several months to a year to really blossom.
Why use a PR firm?
Using a PR firm can help you convert leads, drive traffic and keep your brand out front. Of course, nothing is guaranteed, but the process will be more beneficial for both sides when you communicate well and manage expectations. This will help to build a strong, lasting foundation for your relationship with your PR agency. Remember, if a PR firm promises you instant results … run.
Whether you’ve never worked with a PR firm, have had an imperfect experience or are just looking to expand your PR initiatives, give Axia Public Relations a call. We will show you that even though PR isn’t magic, it can still achieve miraculous results for your company. To learn more, download our e-book Maximizing Your Public Relations Investment today.

Lisa Goldsberry is a blogger for Axia Public Relations with more than 15 years of public relations experience. She specializes in business and technology PR. Lisa has worked for Axia since December 2013. Learn more about Lisa Goldsberry. Connect with Axia on Twitter @axiapr or tell us what you think in the comments below.
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Topics: public relations, investment
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