If you are a startup or a tech company, your best bet for gaining positive publicity is to get yourself featured in Fast Company magazine, the publication of choice for those in the tech business. Fast Company covers the following areas: design, technology and sustainability.
Fast Company maintains a strong focus on evolution of business and the most creative industry thought-leaders and strives to bring change into the marketplace.
Fast Company magazine has a unique editorial focus on innovations in technology, leadership, and design. The target audience is entrepreneurs in the tech business. Frame your pitch as a story with a strong focus on lessons learned during your journey to completing your project, including your mistakes, frustrations, turning points, eureka moments and inspirations. Your story is your documented experience that you are happily sharing with others in the field, helping them to succeed.
What to write about
If you’re a startup, write a story about something significant – something that could change the way business is done.
Show them how your innovation is applicable and functional by telling them about a big brand-name client you have.
The best pitch is a technology story that offers useful advice for others dealing with the same technological challenges.
Journalists want to see your enthusiasm for helping others in the tech community. Show them you’re proud of what you’ve created.
Fast Company writers like stories that give their readers a chance to peek behind the scenes of the innovation you write about.
Reporters need to be able to contact the person in charge of the innovation you’re writing about, so make sure you include that contact information.
These journalists are not interested in press releases, generic pitches or personnel changes.
Get it noticed, do it right
Make it exclusive by putting “exclusive story” in the subject line of your email.
Pitches should be short. An effective pitch is no more than 2 paragraphs long.
Write your pitch according to the inverted pyramid pattern: important information first, then details to flesh it out.
Clearly state what your story is about and what you’re offering.
Don’t make your story sound like a product announcement or press release.
Make sure your pitch is written in language your target audience will understand.
Support your pitch with any visual aids you can provide, such as slideshows, demos and code snippets.
What to include
For the Fast Company writers, an interesting story is one about trying something new, a new way of thinking or something new you’d like to share with others to inspire them to move forward with their own innovations.
Axia Public Relations has worked tirelessly to develop strong relationships with the media, and our clients benefit from these connections. Call 888-PR-FIRM-8 today to discuss how we can connect you to your target outlets or download our e-book Learn Media Relations from the Media to learn more.

Topics: media relations, public relations, technology
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