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How to promote your content

By Katie Boyles

promoted contentBoost your valuable content to reach potential customers 

Once you’ve created and published quality content, your job isn’t done. Now you need to promote it. Promoting content is one of the eight elements for successful content marketing.

There are many ways to get your content in front of a large audience. There are also a few things to consider before you go spamming people who aren’t interested in what you have to say. Ask yourself: For whom did I create this content? Consider the interests, age, gender and geographical location of your target audience. Is there a specific place online where that audience is active? Here are two ways to promote your content, depending on your intended audience and your budget.

Organic promotion

Organic promotion increases visibility for your content. You can reach a large number of people and gain quality leads. These methods don’t cost money, however, they take some time and effort – and the results are worth it.

  • Email marketing.
  • Social media.
  • Live promotions.
  • Influencer networks.
  • Word-of-mouth.

Paid promotion

Paid promotion focuses on a highly specific audience that you select depending on whom you’d like to reach. Advertising is a common way to place your company in front of the people who are most likely to make a purchase. Spend time finding your target audience before using paid promotion to see the best results. Most of the options below are easy to set up, even for beginners.

  • Google ads.
  • Yahoo ads.
  • Bing ads.
  • Social media-sponsored content.

Put some effort into promoting your content and watch how the results improve. Check your web analytics for daily and weekly visitors and compare which promotion method brings in the most people and actually converts. Both organic and paid promotion will drive traffic to your website. Remember: Content marketing is great for social media! Your followers will appreciate valuable posts popping up in their newsfeeds. Check out Axia Public Relations’ Essential Social Media Management Guide for best practices to reach your target audience through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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katie-bio.jpgKatie Boyles regularly creates PR and online content that is engaging for target audiences. She improves clients’ online presence and search engine optimization through premium content like e-books and webinars as well as social media posts, blog posts, online articles and more. Katie has been with Axia since September 2015. Learn more about Katie Boyles. Connect with Axia on Twitter @axiapr or tell us what you think in the comments below.







Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: public relations, content management

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