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How will hiring a public relations agency affect your company internally? A lesson from ‘The Office’

By Axia Public Relations

What would happen if corporate hired a PR firm for the Scranton branch in the TV series ‘The Office’?


A group of employees.In the fictional world of “The Office,” a popular television series set in the Scranton, Pennsylvania, branch of the fictional paper company Dunder Mifflin, the arrival of a public relations agency to provide PR for the branch would likely bring about a number of changes and challenges for the employees.


For one, the PR agency would likely work to improve the image of the Scranton branch and Dunder Mifflin as a whole. This could involve creating and promoting positive stories about the branch and its employees, as well as managing any negative publicity that may arise.



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The PR agency may also work to increase the visibility and reputation of the Scranton branch, potentially through various marketing and branding efforts. This could include creating social media campaigns, organizing events, and working with media outlets to showcase the branch's successes and strengths.


However, the involvement of a PR agency could also bring about tension and conflict within the Scranton branch. Some employees may feel the PR agency is trying to manipulate or control the way the public perceives the company, leading to feelings of mistrust and resentment. Additionally, the PR agency's efforts to improve the branch's image may require employees to adhere to certain standards or expectations, which employees might see as intrusive or burdensome.


Overall, the arrival of a PR agency at the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin would likely bring about both positive and negative changes for the employees. While the agency's efforts to improve the branch's reputation and visibility could be beneficial, they could also create tension and conflict within the workplace.


Does this sound like a situation your company is facing? Read our blog post “What will employees think if your company hires a PR agency?” for an example of how this situation could play out both at Dunder Mifflin and a company like your own.

Hiring a PR agency can bring changes that corporate leaders should be aware of and prepare for. To learn more about what you should know before hiring a PR agency, read our e-book “15 Mistakes Companies Make When Hiring a PR Firm” for some inside tips.

Topics: PR tips

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