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5 tips for creating engaging social media videos

Lights, camera… Not so fast! Expensive shoots and long, comprehensive videos aren’t necessary for success.


Using video on social media is nothing new. Before social media, brands were hungry for polished video content. Coordinated video shoots – complete with high-resolution cameras and bright lights – were the norm. Carefully edited videos with sleek transitions, often including full context of a specific subject, led to long (and potentially boring) content. Brand videos swam in a sea of sameness.


With the rise of YouTube and other social media, we began a new era of online videos where simple is better – and anyone with a smartphone can make viral videos. 


Today, TikTok and other video social media platforms are expanding the importance of brevity and simplicity in social media videos. Vertical formats dominate, catering to mobile users. Mobile phone camera quality has improved, making smartphone quality perfect for brand content. 

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Topics: online public relations, shared media, social media

What happens to companies who cut back on PR and marketing during a recession with Jason Mudd, CEO of Axia Public Relations

In this solocast, host Jason Mudd describes why it’s important to continue to invest in PR during a recession and provides ways to keep your company in consumers’ minds. 


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: media relations, earned media, news media, On Top of PR, solocast

Public relations advice for The Grinch

Here are some tips for managing The Grinch's public relations.


  1. Build a strong brand identity
    The Grinch is a well-known and beloved character, and it's important to make sure the public understands and recognizes his brand. This can be achieved through consistent messaging and visuals, such as using the same font and colors across all Grinch materials.

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Topics: PR tips

How do search results pages rank content?

Learn how search engines rank content, and how to use it to your benefit. 


Search engine optimization is a valuable asset to your company and its online presence. To take advantage of SEO perks, you need to understand how the process helps rank content within a search. 


Content is ranked in three different stages:

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Topics: SEO, online public relations

8 tips for a successful media pitch to Forbes

Forbes magazine is one of the most trusted sources for businesspeople and executives and is known for its lists of the world’s richest individuals. Forbes caters to business management professionals and those aspiring to a position of corporate leadership. The magazine covers successful companies, individuals, industries, marketing, law, taxes, technology, computers, communications, investments, and management performance. People who read Forbes want to stay on top of today’s business news and are interested in wealth.

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Topics: media relations, earned media, news media

Impostor Syndrome with Kris Kelso, CEO of The Kelso Group

In this episode, Kris Kelso, keynote speaker and CEO of The Kelso Group, joins host Jason Mudd to define what impostor syndrome is, what the opposite of impostor syndrome is, why impostor syndrome is common, how the Peter Principle relates to impostor syndrome, and how to combat impostor syndrome. 


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: PR tips, On Top of PR

How to add a social media content manager to your company's TikTok page

A quick guide to adding your social media agency and team members to your company's TikTok account


Being able to easily share access to your company’s TikTok account can help a social media manager create and publish content for your company, which will ultimately increase your visibility and brand awareness. 


Currently, the only way to give people access to your account is by sharing your username and password. We suggest that you use a password manager to help minimize risk when sharing usernames and passwords. While this is subject to change, it’s the only way to give someone else access to your TikTok account for the time being. With that being said, there are a few ways to monitor those who have access to the account. 

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Topics: shared media, social media

Flipping the Script with Crisis Communications

As we close out 2022, we look back on the battlefield that has been PR and corporate communications for the past year. Lessons learned from the likes of Twitter, Expedia, and Del Taco showcase how savvy teams are leveraging old dogs and a few new tricks to keep their brands front and center in consumers’ minds. 

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Topics: crisis communications, shared media, social media, 60-Second Impact

3 ideas event organizers look for in a keynote or industry main stage speaker

Budget, engagement, and diversity are crucial, according to the All American Entertainment 2022 Speaking Industry Benchmark Report.


Events and conferences have had some bumpy years with travel restrictions and capacity limits that have shut the industry down completely. As the months of shutdowns and extreme caution passed, waves of COVID-19 cases have resulted in uncertainty from individuals about traveling and gathering in large crowds.

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Topics: PR tips, public speaking

How to take your speaking skills to the next level with Allison Shapira, CEO of Global Public Speaking

In this episode, Allison Shapira, author of “Speak with Impact” and CEO of Global Public Speaking, joins host Jason Mudd to discuss the performance of public speaking, the skills you need for public speaking today, how to craft talking points, and how to take your skills to the next level.


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: spokesperson training, On Top of PR

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