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The Ultimate Guide to AI Communications and Positioning for PR Clients

Mixing AI and public opinion can be tricky, but it’s possible to implement AI in PR ethically.


Artificial intelligence continues to transform industries as adoption accelerates globally. For companies exploring AI’s capabilities, understanding the surrounding media narratives and public perceptions is critical to guiding PR strategy


Cision’s comprehensive analysis of AI conversations across traditional and social media from July 2022 to July 2023 provides valuable insights for PR clients on this landscape. The trends and themes that should inform messaging and positioning become clear by examining millions of posts and articles.

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Topics: technology, artificial intelligence

Crisis Lessons Learned from Southwest Airlines

In this episode, Southwest Airlines' Linda Rutherford joins On Top of PR host Jason Mudd to discuss her take on current airline crises and go into depth about Southwest’s crisis communication plan and how they’ve managed their past crises.


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: crisis communications, On Top of PR

10 tips for writing clickable press release headlines

Hook readers with magnetic headlines and increase engagement online.


The press release headline is the first touchpoint readers have with your content. In an era of information overload, a weak headline means lost opportunities. Strong headlines draw attention amid the noise and condense your key message into a bite-sized preview. 


Use these proven tips to craft magnetic headlines that hook journalists and other readers. 

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Topics: earned media, news media

Why top-tier media coverage may not be the most effective PR strategy

Top-tier media coverage is a surefire way to expand brand visibility, yet it’s not the only option for your company.


In the complex world of public relations, securing coverage in top-tier media outlets like The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal is often seen as the ultimate achievement for brand visibility. However, this may not always be feasible or even the most effective strategy for many companies. 

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Topics: media relations, earned media, news media

What the rise of Threads has taught us about emerging social media platforms

Explore the key takeaways for B2B companies using Threads and what industry experts have to say.


Social media is a tricky medium for B2B companies to navigate and decide what to latch onto versus what will be a passing fascination. And the most rattling fad over the last few months for companies across industries has been the launch of Threads — the copy-based app launched by Meta to rival X (formerly Twitter).


How should you incorporate Threads into your social strategy? Should your company prioritize it at all? Do you leave X or post across both platforms? What type of content drives engagement on the platform?

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Topics: digital PR, shared media, social media

How to use Google Autocomplete for SEO

Google Autocomplete is one of the best tools your company can use to drive traffic and perfect SEO strategy.


Google's autocomplete feature has become an invaluable part of the search experience, providing predicted search queries as users type. But it also presents unique SEO opportunities for brands. 


In this complete guide, you’ll learn what Autocomplete is, how it works, why it matters for SEO, and how you can optimize for it.

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Topics: SEO, web marketing, owned media, web media

3 ways franchisors can use PR to grow their company with John Hewitt

In this episode, John Hewitt joins On Top of PR host Jason Mudd to discuss three ways franchisors can use PR to grow their company. During this episode, John breaks down the cost of getting earned media and why it’s worth it.


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: franchisors, On Top of PR

6 ways to improve keyword research to boost SEO

Follow these six steps when developing your SEO strategy to improve your company’s visibility and authority online.


Without proper and intentional search engine optimization, your company’s website won’t reach the visibility you need to establish brand authority. To create a successful SEO strategy, follow these six SEO tips:

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Topics: digital PR, SEO

7 steps to boost your brand's visibility to generate leads

Learn how to earn brand recognition and encourage new leads through PR.


Attracting public attention is one thing, but maintaining it — let alone in a positive manner — is another.


To survive in the cut-throat marketing world, brands must understand how to stand out. However, it’s also vital to reach a level of visibility that withstands the test of time, no matter what trends come and go along the way.


Boosting brand visibility has always been a cornerstone of marketing strategy. However, as the global market grows more saturated, this goal becomes increasingly challenging. 

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Topics: branding, shared media, social media

11 tips to craft engaging press release headlines

Real-world examples and tips to create attention-grabbing headlines that will secure media pickup.


A strong, attention-grabbing headline is critical for a press release to achieve its purpose of securing media coverage. With journalists receiving hundreds of releases daily, standing out among the crowded media landscape is challenging but possible. 

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Topics: media relations, earned media, news media

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