News release engagement tips with Serena Ehrlich | On Top of PR podcast
By On Top of PRMarch 2, 2021
Learn what you can be doing to increase your news release engagement and how you can use commercial newswires to your benefit with our guest Serena Ehrlich.
Our episode guest is Serena Ehrlich, director of product marketing at Business Wire. She is responsible for Business Wire’s go-to-market marketing strategy, including initiating consumer discovery, supervising product releases, developing market-oriented content, and creating thought leadership initiatives.
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Five things you’ll learn from this episode:
How to use commercial newswires to your benefit
How to improve your news releases
What the most important word in your news release headline is
If you should put more than one call-to-action in your news release
The importance of bundling imagery in your news releases
“You don’t want to use wire services or commercial wire service for something that’s not news.” — @Serena
“When you write a news release, your headline is the number one factor in the open rate of your news release.” — @Serena
“People in real estate say location, location, location. And I say in PR and marketing, it’s repetition, repetition, repetition.” — @jasonmudd9
“Before you ever pitch somebody in the media, you should already have a relationship with them in one way or another.” — @Serena
“Coverage is still the most trusted piece of content a brand can generate.” — @Serena
“A Newswire isn’t going to be your media relations program. It’s an amplification of your media relations program.” — @Serena
14 Tips to Make Your News Do More from Business Wire
Write a complete headline
Use keyword tools
Place descriptive information in the first paragraph
Don’t stuff your release with keywords
Answer questions readers might ask
Aim for strong, concise and relevant news releases
Activate your brand fans
Upload assets
Feature hyperlinks
Use measurement data
Include multimedia
Use existing multimedia elements and content
Build a relationship with media
Create a news amplification program
Get the detailed information here.
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About Serena Ehrlich:
Serena Ehrlich is the current director of product marketing at Business Wire. She has worked over the last 20 years to provide guidance on trends in investor relations, public relations, and general consumer behavior relations. When she began her advertising career, she gained a branding understanding from a large-scale perspective. Ehrlich designed and implemented successful local, national, and international social, mobile, and traditional marketing campaigns for brands like Kraft, Kohls, Avon, Mattel, and more prior to joining Business Wire in 2013.
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On Top of PR is produced by Axia Public Relations, named by Forbes as one of America’s Best PR Agencies. Axia is an expert PR firm for national brands.
On Top of PR is sponsored by ReviewMaxer, the platform for monitoring, improving, and promoting online customer reviews.
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About your host Jason Mudd
On Top of PR host, Jason Mudd, is a trusted adviser and dynamic strategist for some of America’s most admired brands and fastest-growing companies. Since 1994, he’s worked with American Airlines, Budweiser, Dave & Buster’s, H&R Block, Hilton, HP, Miller Lite, New York Life, Pizza Hut, Southern Comfort, and Verizon. He founded Axia Public Relations in July 2002. Forbes named Axia as one of America’s Best PR Agencies.
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- Welcome to "On Top of PR." I am glad you're tuned in today. We are talking with Serena Ehrlich from Business Wire. She is sharing 14 tips to improve your press release. We're gonna talk about a lot of interesting things about how to leverage and utilize commercial newswires to your full benefit. This was an interesting conversation. It's very jam-packed and fast-paced. So grab something to write with and start taking notes, 'cause here we go.
- [Announcer] Welcome to On Top of PR with Jason Mudd presented by ReviewMaxer.
- Hello and welcome to On Top of PR I'm your host Jason Mudd and today I am joined by Serena Ehrlich from Business Wire. Serena is one of my favorite people in the PR industry. Always full of energy but always so intelligent and just a very compassionate individual. Serena, welcome to the show.
- Thank you, I'm really excited to be here.
- I'm glad you're here too and we are excited for a great show. So today we're talking about the 14 ways to improve your..
- Your press release. To really get a release up and out.
- Yeah wonderful, I love it. So Serena, before we get started why don't you tell the audience a little bit about who you are and what you do at Business Wire?
- Sure I'm Serena Ehrlich. I am the Director of Product Marketing at Business Wire and what I focus on is really how to make a news release go from your hands, through our system and then into the hands of your audience. And what are really the best ways to make that happen.
- That sounds great, I know our audience is really gonna enjoy this episode. One of the challenges, one of the things that have changed significantly in this business has been how you can now put a press release in front of consumers in a very powerful way, where years ago that just didn't happen. Talk about that for a minute before we get started.
- Yeah, that is it's really true. There are fewer media outlets than ever before. And so what's happening is that without media outlets people are really relying on search engines. And when your news release goes out over of our Business Wire you actually also end up at fairly high in search engines. So what happens is that you're not only reaching media outlets and not only are you seeing news that people like being shared on their social channels because you've got advocacy happening on the consumer side but you can now also own search engines. So then as your people are considering your product, your actual words, your press release is right there in front of them and it allows them to make choices.
- I love it, that's great. So then a quick question would be Serena, if somebody says that you know I'm posting stuff to Business Wire or a commercial Newswire so I can reach consumers and that's more important to me than reaching newsrooms. Would you agree that that's a good strategy or good effort or is it still reaching mostly newsrooms?
- It's a great question. First off you don't wanna use a Business Wire use wire services or commercial wire service for something that's not news. Because the distributions that you receive are based on reaching news outlets. And news by the way it can be something that a trade magazine would run, it could be something an influencer would be interested in. You know, the definition of news is not just breaking headlines for stock company or for financial companies. But what it does do is it does, there is always tied to it this component again of search engines and being able to be shared and just to social. And that's where this direct-to-consumer happens. So what I find is that, it's actually interesting that when a company tells me that they're looking to reach consumers, I find that it's not the distribution or the wire service that's the thing. It's how they write their news releases and I hope that makes sense. It's not that they need to think about it as am I trying to reach media, or am I trying to reach consumers, and how do I activate them? But it's actually, it impacts how they write the release. If they're really trying to get a financial or business story written their headlines tend to be very different than when they're trying to be consumer oriented. What's interesting is consumer-oriented headlines do very, very well.
- Okay, yeah that's good enough. So you have 14 tips today. I know we won't have time to get to all of them. So I would love to just start jumping right in. So we have time to cover as many as possible and then we'll make through the episode notes a link available to where the audience can consume all 14 tips, how does that sound?
- That sounds great and sit back everyone. I'm gonna talk really, really fast.
- Let's do it.
- So when you're writing a press release the very first thing you have to think about is who's your audience, right. You've gotta know who you wanna reach. You've gotta know what interests them. And then you wanna think about writing your headline. When you write a news release your headline is the number one factor in the open rate of your news release. It's not just the news content but it's how you're sharing that content with the reporter. So we had a session with Ann Wylie and one of the things that she said is the most important word in your headline is your verb. She said, you need to have a verb that really stands out, empowers people. It's gotta be an action verb, it's gotta mean something. And she really suggested leaving out adjectives and adverbs, don't even put those in. And then we know that a headline should have all the information. It used to be that you're wanting to have a smart headline that teased, the opening of the release. Now you'd need a complete headline that's interesting so people know exactly what they're getting into before they open the release. So when you write that headline, there's actually a very interesting tool you can use for your headline. It's Google Keyword Tool. What you should do is write the body of your press release first and then when you go through the body of your release, figure out the action words that are in the body of your release and how many of those you wanna put in your headline or if that makes sense in your headline. But then go to Google Trends and test the visibility of each word. What you may find is that one word that you select is very different than the second word. And I'll give you an example. We, I work with large brands and the word children, comes up a lot, but people don't search for the word children they search for the word kids. So when you're writing your headline by putting the word kids in your headline you're gonna appear higher in search and that is exactly where your search audiences, your consumer direct-to-consumer audiences will find you. So those are kind of our two big headline tips and then if you're ready, I've got more.
- Yeah, keep them coming.
- Okay great, your first paragraph. So your first paragraph is really gotta be descriptive. Again, people aren't going to read your entire release. They will, if they're very interested but you wanna make sure that the kind of get the full statement in the headline. So keep that very clear, keep that very succinct and then you wanna go into the flow of your release. When you think of the flow of your release you wanna think of formatting. And again, this was a tip from Ann Wylie that you wanna make sure that you're formatting releases correctly. So I told you earlier about Google Keyword Terms. It's really important to use the right word for search engine headlines but that's not the same as keyword Stuffing. Keyword Stuffing is when you have a specific phrase that you wanna use over and over again in a news release. If it's not natural to the news release don't put phrasing that's unnatural into your press release. Press releases are not search engine systems they are actually news release documents, even though they do appear on the web. So your headline is where your search engine optimization is gonna happen. It's not happening in the body of your release. So keep your release highly readable. And then in your release you wanna answer questions that readers are gonna ask. Be proactive, think ahead, who's gonna ask this question. And then one of the things or what questions are they gonna ask? And then maybe answer those in a bullet a format underneath. So what you could do is each section could be a rewritten, not as a question but as an answer and then use bullets and bolds for that. You wanna make sure that you're concise. I'm telling you to add a lot of information but you've gotta really be concise about it. And then you wanna really make sure that in the body of your release, you always include calls to action. Now what this can be is you can use Clicktotweet that's a really good tool for that but you wanna make sure that there's a call to action for your readers to do something that you want them to do. Hyperlinks are really good part of this but a lot of cases it could be subscribing to a newsletter, following your RSS feed. We see extraordinarily industry-specific press releases often promote private group that they have that the company may be hosting. We see them doing include links like I said, back to blogs but adding links to donations, but call them out. Hyperlinks are very popular you do not have to put in the full URL but you still need to put in that call to action. The next, oh go ahead.
- I was gonna say, do you recommend more than one call to action in a news release?
- I've seen some highly excellent I guess that's not quite the right term. I have seen some really good releases that include multiple calls to action. And they will include calls to action for highly desired information or highly tailored groups. So I've seen a tech company who actually hosts their own forums, put links to their forums, links to their RSS Feed, and links to their blogs because their readers of their press release are usually not just interested in the product being developed but seeing how that development works. So maybe putting in multiple links they were able to be successful that way. Then what you do is when you send out your press release is that you're monitoring reports, you can open them and see how many links your reports received. And I'm sorry, how many clicks your links received? And you can see which ones are working. And if things aren't working and you're not giving new subscribers, you can remove them. But these often can be a really good funnel piece for subscriptions versus just a link to a landing page.
- Okay very interesting, all right. What else have you got for us?
- I have so much more. Oh by the way, we're on point seven So we're rolling through this pretty well
- Oh good, okay wow. We are cruising.
- We are, so I wanted...
- Okay, include numbers as we're going through them then so I can keep up with you.
- Oh I so sorry oh okay. I think I got excited there
- No it's good. I'm sure everybody's taking notes as they're listening.
- Yes so I will just quickly if we have little time I'll quickly recap. One, was writing your headline., It's gotta be a complete headline. It should not be a teaser. Number two, is using your keyword tools. Number three, is putting information in your first paragraph and making sure that that really is successful. Four, is your keyword stuffing. Five, is answering questions. Six, is being concise, seven are calls to action. And now eight, you wanna make sure that you're including visual assets. So this is really important. When press releases first started they were textual documents. They were quite frequently sent over systems that could only read text. But what's happened is human beings are not textual documents. We are not text readers. We have to learn to read text. So one of the things that happens and people forget about this, it's like you go almost to the end of the race and you just at the end, last minute kind of drop the ball. It's that we get lot of PR pros that don't put visuals in their news release. And what I mean is we'll talk about photos later or supporting assets. I'm talking about your logo. So here's what happens when your a press release goes out, even if it's a topic that somebody is not interested in writing about at that time, if your logo is there, that's building visual mindshare, that is branding. And it is because you forget that this goes to all of your industry trade prints. This goes to all of your reporters, it goes on their websites. So your logo starts to becoming, it's found everywhere and these are all free services. The logos you know, there's no cost for this but it's again, and then reporters see it. They get a choice to see your logo right there. When it's shared on social, the logo appears.
- I love it, I love it.
- Yeah.
- It's just a good reminder of repetition, repetition. You know, people in real estate say location, location, location. And I say in PR and marketing you know it's repetition, repetition, repetition. So we're gonna take a quick break 'cause we're rolling right through these and we'll come back on the other side with your other tips with Serena Ehrlich. Thank you, Serena.
- [Announcer] You are listening to On Top of PR with your host Jason Mudd. Jason is a trusted advisor to some of America's most admired and fastest growing brands. He is the managing partner at Axia Public Relations. A PR agency that guides news, social, and web strategies for national companies and now back to the show.
- Welcome back to On Top of PR, I'm your host Jason Mudd. We're with Serena Ehrlich from Business Wire today and before we jump back in I wanna say thank you to our podcast sponsor ReviewMaxer. ReviewMaxer we appreciate your sponsorship and without you, this show wouldn't be possible. So if you need help managing your online reviews, or monitoring them, and improving them please be sure to check out and tell them you heard about them through On top of PR. Serena I believe we are on number nine of your list of 14. And number eight was about using your logo and the importance of that visibility. Number nine, is related to that you said.
- Yeah so you know, one of the things that you get to do in a news release is not only brand yourself visually. Is you get to include links. As I said earlier, first off can I just tell you nobody's gonna open your news release, unless they're interested. So whether you get 10 views on that news release, 2000 views, or 1.5 million views which people do have, not often. You really wanna make sure that you're giving them something to chew. So what you wanna do is you wanna make your release easily readable, right. We talked about that, you wanna have the visual but now what you wanna do is put hyperlinks in there. Drive them out of the press, or the Business Wire press release, or your commercial news wire press release back into your website. But the trick is don't put them everywhere. Don't bury them at the end, right. Whenever you're talking about something. So if your press release is launching a new product the first product mention should have a link back into your website. Let people go the minute they want to go because if you wait too long by the time they're ended at the end, they're gonna think they know everything. They're gonna think the three minutes skim or three seconds skim of your for press release is everything they need to know and they'll walk away. So put it in and make sure it's behind something valuable. Do you know if you're...
- Let me just add some quick context that I'm hearing here. So you're reminding me of when I came up in journalism, right, as a news reporter, we were told never write the headlines. And you're kind of saying don't write the headline too soon, write your story first and then use the Google analyzer to figure out what the keywords for your headline might be. And then the second thing that you mentioned there was you know, write it in inverted pyramid. Which you know it sounds so old school to say inverted pyramid. But you know that's really what you're saying is people wanna you know, tell them what they need to know right up front and then the less important information later is. Do you agree with that?
- Absolutely, there are gonna be people who want your quotes. They're gonna people who wanna see quotes. That's not a problem at all you've got your quotes in there. But for today's reader, who's much faster they're much more interested in skimming. They truly believe they don't need to know more than that. It used to be that everybody knew that you had to read the last sentence of the third paragraph. That that was the gotcha statement. Now it's your headline, it's your first paragraph.
- Gotcha okay, so now we're at number 10?
- Yes so oh no, we're in number nine.
- Okay.
- So we were just going into that. I'm sorry you're right. We did just talk about hyperlinks. We are at number 10, measurement data. Okay so this is really, really interesting is we get a lot of reporters who say that the one thing that can help with them with data, is reporters who say that the news release it's great, but they didn't get it at the right time. Or it's great, but they didn't see it. So what we wanna recommend is use your measurement reports. So when you send out a news release over to your provider they're gonna give you reporting back. Let's say you always issue a release at 8:15 on Tuesdays. You might be better off if you issued it at 8:15 on Wednesday. You might be better off if you tried it at 7:15. We've had customers ask us why their releases that they distribute at 5:00 a.m East Pacific Time don't get picked up. Well that because at 8:00 a.m Eastern was great for 8:00 a.m Eastern reporters but it really didn't work today during COVID for the nine. You know and that's not always the case but you make small tweaks in your timing. You actually get much better success but you won't know unless, you have to use your measurement data. So go into your reports and actually look at that and see what's in there because that's real. And that sounds like a last step but it really isn't. If you've done any releases previously you can go into your old reports and just look. And what's very interesting, as you can all see you almost always can see when the shift happened, where they found a success mark, and then on going success.
- Interesting yeah. I always believe in testing and tweaking but it only works if you actually pay attention to the result.
- Yes and people forget. They also think that the time that they decide to send it out is something that's locked in stone. Unless it's an earnings release that people are expecting at that time.
- Right, yeah.
- Be flexible.
- Absolutely okay, this is great.
- Yeah the next tip goes back to logos. So the other thing I was saying is that people that, visual branding. Every time you're breaking into a new market, you've got a logo on your release. You're making those visuals. The other thing you have to do now and we've been saying it for a hundred years, so this isn't new. You have to put a visual with your data. So George Floyd kicked off an entire global revolution. That was one video, that wasn't an article. It was a video and that more than anything else in the world should have told PR pros, oh my God we are doing this wrong! Today's PR pros choose what? You have to put a visual, and video is very good but photos are still the most in demand Secondly, do not put a video or photo created by your marketing department in your press release.
- Yes.
- This is a huge, first off and I'm sure you know this, for people who know this this is an easy way to get coverage. Because you have a visual that actually speaks to a reader audience, not a product shot. But those who don't know it it's a new line item for agencies. You can literally bill out and start building and take ownership. PR people can actually get a budget and start building earned assets. This is gonna be the new thing because 59% fewer media today than five years ago, that's a huge drop. So if you're not giving earned media assets if you're not providing an asset that's gonna activate in a way the you know, a product shop doesn't, don't bother. But if you put that well, no, that's not true, always have a visual. Because the other thing is just like everywhere else you add a visual to your news release you get much more, you get more and more eye balls. But if you put the right visual to it you'll absolutely get the more attraction that you're looking for.
- I know we've talked about this where reporters are saying they spend more time tracking down a visual or a photo for a story than they do actually researching report, interviewing, and reporting, and writing their stories.
- Its true, I have a story and I won't tell the industry but there was a client of ours that truly realized that every time they sent out a press release their coverage included their competitors, not their product, but competitors buildings. I mean, it was reporter revenge. Reporters were so tired of trying to find multimedia to fit their stories that they just started putting the comeback and the company adds their own media every single release of client sends out now. And this has been years now includes an image. Reporters truly, if I had a choice between writing about you, or well company A or company B, and B has an image, company A just cost me four hours of my life. What am I gonna do?
- Yeah, that's good all right. What do you got next?
- Well, and then the other thing is that you don't always have to create new assets. The other thing is to look through the asset sections that you have and thinking about how you're gonna repackage the asset. It can be sometimes that you might not even realize that you have a white paper or something that has a series of imagery in it, it's been laid out in the paper, pull those out. Make a story are on your social channels with those same imagery. Utilize these types of images over and over again and then also think about new tools. So there's now interactive media which you can actually take a video, a photo, or actually you can take 10 photos, and a video, and PDF, and a live stream. And you can actually bundle it into one asset and that one asset has one embed code. Which means you can now think of it again, take this you would only pick the pieces that tell the story but let people experience your story and your assets in new ways. So what we've always thought about doing, like I don't know if you're in Instagram but if I know you're on Instagram but a lot of companies on Instagram do quote cards.
- Right.
- Well that's just a visual way of existing content, right. I took a text, I took the headline and I put it on here. Well, we need to think that same way with our multimedia content. How can I repurpose it?
- I've lost track, what number are we on now?
- We're going on to 13.
- All right round, and round and towards home. I love it.
- Yes I'm gonna take us through this one.
- Yeah and then I have some quick rapid fire questions for you at the end.
- Great, okay so build relationships with media. The next two I'm gonna tell you are directly related to amplification. So one of the things you do is obviously before you ever pitch somebody in PR you should already have a relationship with them in one way or another. You should know enough about the person you're pitching. But, what happens when you secure that coverage? How are you building a relationship with that reporter after you get the coverage? Share it out, share it everywhere and this goes into number 14. So I'm gonna kind of put these two together. Same thing with your press release. Your press release is a piece of content. Yet I rarely see the press release on corporate social channels. It needs to be treated like a content piece and what you need to do with both your editorial coverage and your content piece is you need to figure out how to share them as widely as possible. This means on your internal servers, this means under external servers, and this means things like putting ads behind it. Putting it an Outbrain, putting it in Tubular putting it into a contextual ad network. Now this is going to drive the traffic to the coverage piece, not to your website but coverage is still the most trusted piece of content a brand can generate.
- Right, that's right.
- Right, so pay that person to get the traffic then the reporter is getting all this traffic, right. So the reporter is getting compliments internally on their end for all this traffic. You are driving people to a piece that's converting for you.
- Right.
- Right and hopefully that piece links back to you and you create the full circle.
- Yeah that's awesome. So do that with your news release and with your editorial coverage. Let the audience choose what they wanna pick.
- Right love it okay. Did we get through all 14?
- We did.
- Okay awesome, that is so good. You know, when we scheduled this I was like we might be able to cover three or four, but no you brought the energy. I love it, thank you, Serena. So let me throw some questions at you. The first one is you mentioned earlier, right kids versus children. I learned from one of your past colleagues that while we as industry pros and we follow AP style. AP style says to use the word news release but people search more frequent and it's more common vernacular to use press release. Is that still the case?
- It is still the case. And you'll find that I try frequently to use both when I write. When I write for business where we prefer news release but even in my blogs, I'll use both.
- We do the same thing, yep same thing.
- Very smart.
- Okay my second question is react or rebuke of the statement of commercial Newswires are really great if you're a huge household brand like Disney, or Tesla, or Apple, but for everybody else it's probably not a good use of your money because no one's watching for, you know unknown brands on a wire service?
- Lies, all lies, okay that's total BS. Here's the thing, you wouldn't be in business if you didn't have brand fans, right.
- Brand what?
- You wouldn't be in business if you didn't have brand fans.
- If you didn't have people who loved your brand.
- Right okay.
- Building your brand requires work. A Newswire isn't going to be your media relations program. It's an amplification of your media relations program.
- Love it yes, good point.
- Well and right your media relations program is the kickstart of everything. Your marketing program, everything launches when that press release launches. And so when you're a smaller startup company think about it again, use the logo services, use the photo services. What you're gonna get out of this is reach and also what's of interest to your readers, write to them to who you wanna reach write to them. I have seen whitepapers, industry whitepapers be distributed over Wire by small startups and up in the New York Times.
- Wow okay.
- Yeah it's gotta be the right thing at the right time. You know news wire, you know it's like a PR team. An agency can't solve the problems. We're not gonna solve any corporate problems but what we can do is amplify the good work that you guys will write.
- Yeah I think agencies can solve those problems as long as they have you know ears that are listening to what the you know, leadership team is listening to what the agency is saying. But I get your point, your point. Okay so here is a random question someone on my team said you've gotta ask Serena this question during your interview. So I would like your initial reaction and then kind of what you think they're up to. But a company contacted our agency and said they'd like to post a hundred pieces of content per day on a commercial newswire which one do we recommend and how much would it cost? Right so I guess they have a hundred different articles per day that they wanna put. Now first of all I said, I don't think you guys would accept that.
- Yeah and in fact, most of the wire services do follow a code of conduct if you will.
- That's what I would say.
- No, it's not 100%. You know business is business but we have a pretty strict code of conduct. And one of the reasons why and it's really valuable is that so if these were a hundred business research articles and it's business and it's free, that's no problem. If these were a hundred opinion blogs then we would have a problem, right because they're unsubstantiated it's not fact. What's happened is, is that there are wire services out there that are inexpensive and that take a wide range of content types. Those wire services don't have the same ranking in Google.
- Sure they don't.
- So what will happen is someone will say, well I'm just gonna use these guys, this small company it's very inexpensive and I'm just interested in Google. Well Google is not interested in news from a company on that wire service because your news, it might be valid. Which you're sitting next to a hundred opinion pieces, and that degrades the value. And what happens is it degrades across all end users. And somebody once told me your content is only as valuable as the content it sits next to on the web.
- Oh yeah, that's good. Well, I just thought that whole concept was spammy and certainly you know lacked credibility. You know to do a hundred every day and it'd be one thing if you had, like you said some research or findings that you know, you've culminated and split up into different industries. Which I think it's all industry-specific content but to do that every day would not make any sense to me at all. And I think what you're describing sounds like domain authority issues also with the lower domain authority of the sites that they're trying to put the content in other words.
- Yes and then what will happen is you do a hundred pieces of content. People will just shut you down, like this person. So it becomes invaluable and what they want is they want the publishing stamps. So I can see why they wanna do it but we also wire servicess are not SEO tools. No wired services, well they're not supposed to have they all have new follow-up on it. So somebody says you don't want the SEO. You said to me I'll explain that.
- Okay so we have definitely run out of time and so we're gonna wrap up right now and I just wanna say Serena, thank you so much for joining the show today. It's been great to have you. We've been working to schedule this for a while but I knew that it was worth the wait. And I'm just so glad to see you, and connect with you, and look forward to our next conversation together. Did you have any closing thoughts or any specific resource you want to share with our audience and we'll be sure to put it in the show notes.
- I will, I will, thank you so much. Yeah we definitely want to check out business resource center. If you need to write releases best practices we've write them all in there they're all available for free so.
- Perfect and if one of our audience members is like, Serena's genius I gotta connect with her. I wanna stay in touch with her. I wanna follow her, I wanna get to know her. How do they best do that?
- Follow me on Twitter @Serena. I'm not Serena Williams, but it's both Serena. That's really the best way to find me. Probably, that's probably my channel of choice unless I'm yelling at family on Facebook.
- Yes awesome, awesome. Serena again it's a pleasure. Thank you very much so glad to have you and be well.
- Thank you too.
- [Announcer] This has been On Top of PR with Jason Mudd presented by ReviewMaxer.
Topics: PR tips, On Top of PR, story telling
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