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Putting the relationships back in public relations

By Jason Mudd
A person looking at Instagram on a phone.
  1. DMs: the New Promised Land for PR Pros
  2. PR Ethics In an Age of Weight Loss Drug Pushing
  3. 60-Second Close: Putting the Relationships Back in Public Relations





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1. DMs: the New Promised Land for PR Pros

  • DMs are becoming more popular than posting. Over 375 million Instagram users use direct messages regularly, and around 75% of consumers prefer direct message interaction with brands. 
  • A recent boom in the use of messaging app WhatsApp sheds light on a new frontier for communication specialists. Direct messaging is on track to squash other social media interactions with a dramatic increase in public posts and scrolling. Although WhatsApp is globally popular, its rapid growth in American users is partly due to its ease and privacy.
  • PR professionals should focus on direct messaging to reach their audience. DMs have vast relationship-building potential, and savvy brands are taking advantage.

2. PR Ethics In an Age of Weight Loss Drug Pushing

  • PR practitioners must educate themselves and their audiences on a product or service before promoting it. 
  • Trusted personality and diet queen Oprah recently came clean about using a hodge-podge of weight loss drugs to maintain her famous figure. Pharmaceutical companies have created many “weight loss” medications for medical conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular conditions.
  • However, many of these “miracle fat-shredders” have been possibly linked to long-term complications when taken by those without a medical reason.


60-Second Close: Putting the Relationships Back in Public Relations

  • With direct messaging booming and diet medication misinformation spreading, PR specialists are more responsible than ever to form direct connections with their critical audience. Consumers want honest, direct, and personalized contacts –– not a cookie-cutter broadcast to the masses. 
  • PR agencies can influence ethically and effectively through relational, trustworthy communication. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon, PR pros must do their homework and meet their audience on their terms and, it seems, in their DMs. 
  • Axia is a thought-leading expert corporate communications firm that helps our clients connect directly with their audience. Our ethical and relational approach to PR helps build meaningful connections through insight and sincerity. Touch base with us to see how we can assist you. 


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Topics: shared media, social media, 60-Second Impact

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