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The Video Conference Era: Boost press release engagement with multimedia

By Nina Sharpe

Capitalize on the virtual world’s potential for enhancing PR announcements and interactions.


A video conference.A decade ago, press releases were almost exclusively held in brick-and-mortar locations with physical participants. As the digital landscape evolved, the press release went online and many syndication platforms emerged for ease of use. Today, video conferencing is paving the way for a more effective and far-reaching result. 




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It’s been thought that sticking to conventional conferencing setups can limit your reach and restrict you from connecting with audiences around the world. However, since 2020, there has been a tidal wave of online conferences and digital communication, prompting the PR world to follow suit. 


Let’s look at the role of video conferencing in press release culture, and which tools work best for delivering your message to the digital public in a clear, professional, and mutually beneficial way. 


The evolution of the press release in the age of video conferencing

Nobody could have predicted how quickly video conferencing would become such a staple in the world of professional communication. 


Even though basic forms of video conferencing have existed since the late 1800s, the technology we have access to today far exceeds anything companies dreamed of at that time. Today, apps like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams dominate the world of online meetings — press releases included. 


Companies now use videoconferencing to issue official statements to the press, communicate major changes to stakeholders, and host all kinds of important professional discussions and announcements. Without the limitation of physical distance, online conferencing is the ideal alternative for organizations that want to extend their reach as far as possible while still presenting a concise and professional company statement. 


Why is high quality video crucial for video conferences?

Excellent video and sound quality are absolutely essential for a successful virtual press conference. Since your audience is not present physically, they rely on the clear transmission of visual and audio information to participate in the conference.


1. Enhances communication 

The better your audience can see and hear you, the easier it will be for them to comprehend what you are saying. Press releases need clarity and specificity to be successful, and high-quality video and audio make communication much easier. 


Better quality also reduces the probability of a miscommunication, which can have severe consequences for a press conference overall. 


2. Demonstrates professionalism 

The way a press release is presented speaks volumes about a business or brand’s skill and experience. High video quality demonstrates a necessary level of professionalism that allows your audience to take you seriously as an organization. It shows that you have considered your audience's needs and understand the importance of quality virtual experiences. 


3. Increases productivity 

When it comes to virtual meetings of any kind, you want to communicate and wrap things up as efficiently as possible. People are busy with limited attention spans and time. Ensuring sufficient video quality means everyone can have a productive video conference experience, and engagement levels remain at an all-time high. 


What tools should you use to host a successful virtual PR conference?

Hosting successful virtual press releases requires several different tools. In addition to a desktop or laptop, external or built-in microphone, the right size and type of screen, and any other physical equipment, you’ll need a platform for filming and hosting the live meeting. You’ll also need tools for marketing, creating slides (in some situations), and integrating your virtual press release with your other public relations apps. 


If you’re new to the world of hosting press releases on video conferencing software or simply want to brush up on your hosting skills, here are five tools we recommend using: 


1. Live event hosting platform

A live event hosting platform such as Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams is the most fundamental and important tool for hosting video conferences. These platforms equip you with the basic technology needed to schedule, share, and host virtual meetings successfully. 


With so many options available, it’s important to look through the specifics of what each one offers so that you can find the one that meets the unique needs of your organization. For example, without paying for a membership, Zoom allows for 40 minute video calls and Google Meet allows for 60 minute video calls. 


2. Slide creation software 

Adding graphic design elements to your virtual press release can make the experience more engaging for audiences. A slide creation presentation program like Google Slides is easy to use and free to install and can immediately add more depth and dimension to your conference as a whole. 


The use of visuals also makes your presentation more memorable, boosts your credibility and trust, and ensures you can communicate your message more effectively.


3. PR event poster tool 

Before you can host your video conference press release, you need to attract the media. An eye-catching poster with an engaging headline is an easy way to do this. A design tool such as Canva can allow you to create an inviting poster that shows people what the event will be about and who will be hosting it. The more people know about your press release, the more likely they are to want to attend. 


4. Integrations tool 

Sharing your poster on multiple social media platforms is essential for spreading the word about your virtual conference. A marketing integration tool such as social media management, publishing, and community engagement program can help you share useful information about upcoming virtual events and reach as broad an audience as possible before they occur. 


5. Event data analysis tool 

Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Zoom all come with built-in data analysis tools, allowing you to track the success of your virtual conferences. Knowing how well or poorly your press releases have performed in a virtual context can give you the necessary insights into how to improve your events going forward. A data analysis tool is crucial for informing you about what works and what doesn’t with every conference.


Video conferencing is a powerful tool for communicating with people. By embracing this innovative form of technology, your organization can extend its message to the outside world in a way that is much more accessible than real-life conferencing strategies. 


When it comes to hosting press releases in the form of a video conference, high-quality video and audio are crucial. By using a trusted virtual press release platform, you can enhance the productivity and success of your video conferences in the future. 


For more information on how we can elevate your PR strategy, contact us today or book a one-on-one consultation.



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Photo by Anna Shvets


Topics: PR tips, press conferences

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