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Events often feature a mix of keynote speeches, breakout sessions, and workshops. Each serves a unique purpose and offers different experiences for attendees. Understanding the distinctions between each format can help you choose the right type for your event and maximize your impact.
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2 ways to gain customers through company events
Events provide great exposure for your company. They offer the ultimate opportunity for your company to be a thought-leader on a certain topic. They also provide a platform for your company’s representatives to network with key prospects. Another benefit of events, perhaps the least obvious, is the opportunity they provide to generate leads. Here’s how to give your events some longevity by incorporating lead generation into your plan.
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Topics: public relations, events, trade shows
Let PR show you how to handle the issue and still have a great event
Are you worried about members of the media attending your next event, shareholder’s meeting or public presentation? You should be; the media are a powerful component of our society. However, while you should be aware of them, you don’t have to fear them.
If there are media in the room, you should be thankful! They are trained and credentialed journalists who are there to get the story right. The truth is that, these days, there’s always media in the room – social media.
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Topics: media relations, public relations, media, events
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