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3 industry secrets PR professionals never share

How to grow your company’s visibility

Public relations is an extremely effective way to promote your company. A well-executed PR campaign attracts your target audience and converts those prospects into loyal customers.

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Topics: public relations, PR tips, inbound marketing, shared media, earned media, owned media

3 ways to connect with news media to get earned media

How to reach out to journalists

If you remember the world before social media, then you know that back then, to stay connected meant to be in touch personally. Being connected meant sharing experiences and activities together.

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Topics: PR tips, inbound marketing, shared media, owned media

What makes a website useful and accessible?

How to turn website visitors into customers

Building, developing, designing, or redesigning a website is a large project for anyone to pursue. There’s much to consider when creating your site, aside from color schemes and placement. Content is what brings your website to life, enabling you to create and share your company’s story the way you want to tell it.

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Topics: inbound marketing, web design & development, owned media

Why your company needs inbound marketing web design

If your web design company has never heard of inbound marketing, it might be time to find a new one

Since HubSpot’s creation of inbound marketing in 2005, the approach has grown immensely in popularity as an effective way to increase your customer base. Inbound marketing focuses on attracting customers through relevant and helpful content and adding value at every stage in the buyer’s journey. Although the primary purpose of an inbound marketing website is to nurture leads, it also uses technology to maintain a digital presence on the web and strategies that encourage potential customers by creating content they prefer to use.

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Topics: inbound marketing, web design & development, owned media

3 things you should know about inbound marketing

Axia Public Relations teaches you how to market efficiently and effectively in its new inbound marketing book

Business leads are what keep a company growing. As your leads dwindle, so do sales. Some companies are still pushing their messages out in order to bring customers in, and it isn’t working. Perhaps you’ve realized that your online presence is static – that your company isn’t achieving the results it seeks – and you want to do something different. What else is out there?

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Topics: public relations, PR tips, inbound marketing, owned media

HubSpot: A social media publishing gem

3 reasons we use this often overlooked site for publishing to social media


We frequently get calls from sales reps encouraging us to check out their new social media publishing sites. The conversation usually goes something like this:


“What publishing tool are you currently using?” Sales rep inquires.

“HubSpot,” we answer.

“Oh, you mean Hootsuite.”

“No, we use HubSpot.”

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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing, shared media

Which is right for your company: Inbound marketing or inbound public relations?

In an ever-changing marketing world, choosing your strategy, planning for success and implementing it could be the difference between positive and negative revenue results. If you’ve tried traditional marketing methods, such as cold calls and cold emails, with little or no success, it may be time to learn about inbound marketing and inbound public relations.

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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing

Do you need to partner with an agency or hire an internal inbound marketer?

Your company’s website content seems stale and your leads pipeline is dwindling. You want to improve the way your company reaches prospective customers, so how do you do it? One of the best ways is through inbound marketing, which utilizes HubSpot’s methodology to attract, convert, close and delight prospects. It’s the future of marketing. Once you decide inbound is the best option for your company, you need to decide who will direct your company’s inbound strategy and efforts.

There are two options: hire a Hubspot-trained agency or hire an internal inbound marketer.

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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing

Why your marketing department needs inbound PR now!

4 ways to drive traffic to your website

These days, it’s not enough for your marketing department to make cold media pitches, write news releases and send cold emails to journalists, hoping to get coverage. In this digital marketing age, your corporate marketing department needs a more comprehensive strategy – one that will attract customers and bring the media to you. The answer for your business and your marketing department may be inbound public relations.





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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing

3 questions to determine if your company is a fit for inbound marketing

Inbound marketing follows a methodology to attract, convert, close and delight virtual strangers, transforming them into leads and delighted customers. Smart marketers are attracting customers by being the experts in the areas where their prospects are seeking more knowledge. It’s the opposite of the old-fashioned way of capturing leads through disruptive cold calls. By using inbound marketing, you’re interacting with customers in a way that addresses their needs or wants.

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Topics: inbound marketing

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