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Traditional public relations isn’t working anymore. Fewer Americans rely on TV news, while nearly half of all U.S. adults get their news from Facebook, according to surveys conducted by Pew Research Center. PR professionals must adapt to the ever-changing social and digital age. Here’s the opportunity most PR pros and their PR agencies are missing: the social media news desk.
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Topics: media relations, shared media, earned media, owned media
What you should know
Recently, journalists from the print, TV, radio, and magazine world attended a “media mashup” professional development event for those in the PR industry, which the Florida Public Relations Association hosted. These professionals all understand that getting the media’s attention isn’t as easy as one may think.
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Topics: media relations, public relations, earned media
How to recycle your media coverage to gain more visibility
Congratulations! Your company received great media coverage. And now you’re left wondering, what next? Keep the momentum going with these nine suggestions.
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Topics: media relations, earned media
Confessions from a daily newspaper editor
Pitching major news outlets requires skill and finesse. A poorly constructed pitch can really harm your company’s reputation. To effectively pitch a major media outlet, it’s important to put yourself in the journalist’s shoes. Here are 10 tips from the newsroom for getting noticed and earning that coveted major media outlet coverage for your company.
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Topics: media relations, PR tips, earned media
One of the most critical elements of a pitch is the subject line. It’s the first thing reporters read, aside from your name, when they go through their inbox. Because it’s such an important element, you should put some thought into creating your subject line. There are two sides to the subject line debate: Some say short subject lines work best and others think long subject lines are the better choice.
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Topics: media relations, earned media
As public relations experts, we regularly secure earned media coverage for our clients at major news outlets. If you’re struggling to earn coverage for your company, use these insider tips to help you improve your media relationships and increase your earned coverage.
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Topics: media relations, earned media
How to write a news release that gains media coverage for your company
If your company has an announcement it wants to make, then a news release may be a great option for you to share that news. A news release is an official announcement that a company or nonprofit issues to the news media. There’s a right way and a wrong way, though, to create a press release. The better it is, the easier it will be to secure earned media coverage. These seven tips will help you write an effective news release to gain earned media coverage for your company.
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Topics: media relations, news release, earned media
There aren’t many people who read the newspaper at breakfast anymore. Most of us get the news from our phones through social media. However, traditional media – like newspapers and major news outlets – still hold value in our fast-paced, 24-hour news cycle. Social media curates content from many sources, including traditional media outlets. Its platforms are a dynamic medium that your company should use to share news as well as engage with current and future customers.
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Topics: media relations, media, shared media, earned media
3 ways to bring your media relations efforts back to life with help from PR
Over the years, the business community has reported that many tools and concepts are “dead.” From press releases to polling, people are quick to declare the premature end of something that no longer seems to be working for them. One such device that has suffered this fate is the media kit. Is it really dead – or perhaps just misunderstood and misused?
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Topics: digital PR, media relations, FAQ, earned media
Advertising Value Equivalency is an outdated PR measurement
Earned media coverage is a terrific way to get your organization in front of audiences that may want to purchase your products and services. Unlike advertising, earned media is an unpaid, third-party mention – that may be a quote, an endorsement or interview. How do you measure earned media coverage and prove its value to executives? Make sure you discuss measurement with your public relations agency early in the relationship so you have shared objectives for communication efforts.
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Topics: media relations, measurement, earned media
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