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How Amazon lost and Rhino Security Labs won the media with Amazon Key

2 companies respond in very different ways to a PR crisis

In October 2017, Amazon debuted Amazon Key, its answer to the ongoing problem of porch theft. Home delivery of everything from groceries to jewelry has become ubiquitous as Amazon’s market share grows and influences American shopping patterns. Meanwhile, package purloiners have learned to reach for the low-hanging fruit of unattended front-door parcels. Enter the Amazon Key, a cloud-based security camera linked to a door lock that grants delivery people admittance to drop off packages, safeguarded with autolock settings at their departure.

One problem: As with all internet-connected devices, Amazon Key is vulnerable to hacking.

Cybersecurity company Rhino Security Labs exploited an authorization point in the wireless connection to take the entire device offline. To a remote user viewing the video feed, it appears the entry is secure. While offline, a hacker keeps the internet-controlled key in the open position without immediate detection. These vulnerabilities allow either a delivery person covert re-entry to the home or clever criminals to override the system immediately following a delivery to access a victim’s home for their own nefarious purposes.

Here is where public relations professionals’ dreams and nightmares coincide.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, earned media

3 reasons to participate in interviews with smaller media outlets

Don’t shy away from smaller opportunities.

We know your company  especially the CEO  wants media results. To get those results, your spokespeople must be available for interviews via email, phone, and in person. At Axia Public Relations, we’ve had companies hire us and then be reluctant to participate in interviews with smaller media outlets and with reporters who have smaller roles within bigger outlets. Being too selective about interviews is mistake #11 on Axia’s list of 15 mistakes companies make when hiring a PR firm.

In fact, there are a few benefits to participating in smaller interview opportunities. Here are three reasons you should be more willing to accept these types of interviews:

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Topics: media relations, public relations, earned media

3 ways to engage influential columnists

Plenty of media outlets – digital and print – leverage individuals with special expertise, large followings or authoritative diatribe to round out editorial coverage in the form of columns. In fact, prior to YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, columnists were the key influencers. For example, there was Pauline Friedman Phillips who, under the pen name Abigail Van Buren, wrote the syndicated “Dear Abby,” until her death at the age of 94. Walt Mossberg earned fame amid the pages of the Wall Street Journal for uncovering and demystifying technology. Herb Caen riveted readers of the San Francisco Chronicle with his daily column, which many considered the “voice and conscience” of San Francisco.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR tips

Forget the media kit; think robust newsroom

8 items to include in your company’s online newsroom

Seasoned PR pros may remember printing countless press releases, fact sheets and biographies to include in perfectly curated media kits. Media kits of yesterday were helpful leave-behinds, however, today they’re dinosaurs. Digital media kits – or online newsrooms – are an easy way for media to access key information and assets.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, news release

3 tips to rectify missed media opportunities

As a professional journalist, I’ve received my share of calls from unhappy sources complaining I excluded them from an article. These calls come because some companies believe if their competitors receive media attention, they deserve attention too. Realistically, the news cycle doesn’t work that way. Even with the highest degree of professionalism, there are plenty of editorial cracks through which information can fall.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

‘National Publicist Day’: How Ivy Lee wrote the first press release

October 30. To most it’s just another day of the year. However, in the public relations and journalism worlds, it’s a day to celebrate. October 30 is National Publicist Day.

(See also: What’s the difference between publicity and public relations? Hint: PR strategists hate when we call them publicists.)


On this day in 1906, well-known public relations pioneer and productivity consultant Ivy Lee wrote the first documented press release.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, news release

Media coverage: Securing one for the wall

6 tips to help you obtain news coverage for your company

Public relations professionals should understand their clients aren't looking to put a news release in a frame on their wall. They want a cover story or great feature story to frame. So how do you make it happen? There’s no sure-fire way to earn that coveted feature story placement. However, there are some things you can do to help make the dream a reality.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, media

Never lie to a news reporter

4 tips a spokesperson can use to prepare for an interview

In the midst of an interview, sometimes it’s tempting to exaggerate to make your company look good. Perhaps you’re unprepared to answer the question, so you respond enthusiastically with a “fish tale.” Or, perhaps you’re attempting to “fake it before you make it.”

No matter the reason, you should never exaggerate or tell even the smallest lie. You’ll lose credibility and put your company’s future in danger. We’ve had one such client whose CEO embellished during an interview, and it didn’t turn out well. Learn from that company’s mistake so you can prevent it from happening to your company.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, media

What to do when a journalist isn’t publishing your story

3 tips for following up and staying on the radar

Your company has a great story, and you want to share it. You take the proper steps to deliver it to journalists, and then you wait patiently for them to publish it. And … nothing happens. What do you do when journalists aren’t publishing your story?

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Topics: media relations, public relations

4 tips to navigate the nontraditional media

With today’s ever-changing landscape of technology, the shuttering of brick-and-mortar businesses and media outlets popping up or leaving the industry, many believe that print media is dead and, along with it, public relations. However, PR is far from dead.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

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