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Think carefully before choosing a media monitoring company

3 reasons why a public relations firm is your best choice

If you’re only focusing internally on social media posts and not studying outside trends in your industry, you’re missing out. Media monitoring is essential to your company’s positive image, and your news releases should be timely and applicable. If you’re considering an outside company for your media monitoring needs, think carefully before you make your choice.

There are many media intelligence companies that provide media monitoring and social media monitoring to help companies grow and build their brands. These companies use media intelligence to inform strategy, connect with your audience and measure success. These are all necessary tools, however, many of these companies are limited when it comes to helping your company succeed. A public relations firm is all-encompassing and puts your entire company’s needs at the forefront.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

Which is the best day to send out a news release?

You have a news release ready to go for your company, and you assume that getting it in the hands of journalists first thing on Monday morning will beat everyone to the punch. However, you should consider which day is best for your news release because there are some days that provide more benefit for your company than others.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, news release

5 ways to improve your PR pitch and build better media relationships

Building relationships with reporters and editors is key to helping your clients’ news releases become inspirations for news coverage. Sending news releases and making friendly, engaging follow-up contacts is a common-sense approach all PR people should know. However, it’s critical that you also build trust and respect with journalists to get your stories on the air, in print and online. Here are five tips that will help.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

Press releases going nowhere? 5 tips for getting more media coverage

Your company regularly creates press releases. You, as the PR specialist, spend time researching, writing, crafting the perfect quote and curating the best media list – only to have your release not get picked up anywhere. If radio silence from the media is the norm when it comes to your news releases, it’s time to shake things up a bit. Here are some tips to improve your news releases and media outreach approach.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, news release

5 proven ways to earn coverage for your clients

Get your client published in no time following these simple steps


Media coverage is very important to your clients. It gives them brand recognition and connects them with their target audiences and potential investors. Getting media coverage is not always easy. Here are five suggestions that will help you get media coverage for your client.  

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Topics: media relations, media, public companies

3 tips for using the phrase “off the record”

When Anthony Scaramucci took the helm as White House communications director, he captivated the media. His interviews and public conversations contained unexpected, controversial commentary alongside colorful language that wasn’t particularly suited for all. Many media pundits scratched their heads at the absence of media relations protocol and were surprised at his ill-mannered bluntness. Some believed that, had Scaramucci invoked the phrase “off-the-record,” he could have delivered information to reporters any way he wished without coming across to the public as inept in media relations.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

Understanding designated market area (DMA) and how it impacts your company

Learn why the location of your company and customers mean so much for your visibility and brand position

When discussing media buys or target audience, your marketing team or public relations agency probably throws around terms like media region anddesignated market area (DMA). What do these things really mean for your business and bottom line? Understanding vital terms helps you make smarter, more informed decisions about what’s best for your business.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, media

4 ways to maintain media relations momentum during the holiday season

Holidays can throw a wrench into your media-pitching efforts. When reporters and editors go on vacation in the middle of your back-and-forth, you can lose momentum and opportunities. Therefore, you should be aware of upcoming holidays and vacation seasons so you can prepare and plan accordingly. This doesn’t mean that as soon as you start connecting with reporters you should ask them if they’re taking any trips. Instead, use these four tips to avoid losing media-pitching traction during holidays and vacations.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

5 practical steps to get media coverage at trade shows

How to get publicity and build connections with media

A trade show is a great opportunity to engage with your target audiences, such as your potential customers and clients, sponsors and investors and media representatives. It’s your chance to foster new connections with the media and to form long-lasting relationships. It’s always easier to connect with someone if you meet face-to-face. Trade shows allow you to meet journalists personally.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, trade shows

So you want coverage on your product?

2 ways to make sure you have products and experts available in large media cities

National media outlets are largely located in New York City, Los Angeles, and Atlanta, with other key markets including Chicago, Dallas, and Philadelphia. Each week, editors and editorial assistants receive hundreds of products and goods from companies hoping for a feature in their publications. For many companies, the ability to ship their products to New York City and Los Angeles for a review, feature, or brief results in coverage in major national outlets.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, product launch

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