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Are you writing for the newsroom and living room or your boardroom?

8 tips for creating a news release that will result in numerous media placements and boost your exposure


It’s a problem public relations professionals encounter all the time. They write a news release based on what media and target audiences want to see. Then, the CEO or another C-suite executive reviews the release and adds long quotes and several paragraphs of company information to appease partners or other stakeholders. This is a huge (and common) mistake.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, news release

Do you need media coaching?

3 reasons why a trained “talking head” is beneficial for your company 


Have you ever watched a televised interview where the interviewee responds to questions with ease, using a flowing, conversational tone? Or perhaps you’ve seen an interview where a company spokesperson seemed defensive and dodged questions using the phrase “no comment.” Some people are naturally exceptional public speakers, while others require significant training to become comfortable talking in front of large crowds.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, spokesperson training

If you were a journalist, what questions would you ask your company?

5 tips to ensure you give media what they really want and earn positive coverage

William Shakespeare wrote, “To be or not to be, that is the question.” When it comes to getting media coverage for your company, the question should be: What will the journalist ask, and am I prepared to give a great answer?

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Topics: media relations, public relations

Media samples: Do they increase your chances of earning media coverage?

On a recent trip to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, I visited a retail shop in the heart of Amish country known for its shoo-fly pie, which visitors could sample for free. This Pennsylvania Dutch delight grabbed the attention of many passers-by, who, after sampling, purchased a whole pie.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

Media relations 101: Do not touch!

Keep media contact professional. Handsy PR guy shows you how not to do media relations

As a public relations professional, your job is finely tuned to working with others, which necessitates that you understand the rules of personal space, body language and other communication elements. Even so, those without experience jump into PR jobs believing if they can write a news release, they can do the job well. The lack of true understanding of public relations, however, can lead to faux pas or worse.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

How companies with multiple locations can better manage media inquiries

Use PR to build a more unified, seamless media relations strategy for your organization

When your company has multiple locations, logistics can be a nightmare. Having different managers with the same titles performing similar tasks in several places can be a recipe for disaster. This is especially true when it comes to public relations, media and communications.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

5 ways we help you earn media coverage

Consumers relate more to earned media coverage than they do to advertising. When a media outlet includes your company or brand in a news story, that media coverage adds credibility from an independent source. And, earned coverage shows you as a thought-leader in the industry.

We know that seeing a return on investment via earned media coverage keeps you – our client – happy. It’s important to recognize that earned media coverage doesn’t happen overnight. There’s a process for earning media coverage for our clients, and we want to share five ways we do it.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

What President Trump is doing wrong with media relations

4 mistakes Trump is making and how you can use PR to avoid them

What do the phrases “an enemy of the people,” “the Opposition Party” and “bimbo” all have in common? President Donald J. Trump has used all of them when referring to journalists and major news outlets. Not exactly how one should handle media relations.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

Why is copy editing important to PR?

Ensure external communications appeal to the media with copy editing.


As a public relations firm, we believe it’s important to provide you with a white-glove experience. One of the ways we do that is by offering comprehensive PR solutions and value-added services at no additional cost. One of those services is copy editing all content and documents we share with the media, post on a newswire, or otherwise submit on your company’s behalf.


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Topics: media relations, public relations, copy editing

5 tips to improve your media-pitching emails

Before you send your next email pitch, read this first

Email is quick and easy to use. You no longer have to wait for someone to pick up the phone or be available for a meeting. A reporter can simply read an email pitch on his or her time. Still, there are lots of factors you have to get right in order for your email pitch to be successful. Trust public relations to help you improve your online communication techniques for increased news coverage and visibility.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, trade shows

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