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The secret formula for better email pitching

Journalists typically have 2 basic questions. Learn how to answer them for media success

Your company has a great story to tell. Perhaps you even have a new product or initiative that you believe will change the future of your industry. If you’re like most, you send email pitches to numerous journalists, hoping they will be interested enough to write about your news.

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Topics: media relations, public companies

Mishandling the media

5 ways to be sure improper media relations doesn’t hurt your business

Practicing media relations isn’t for the faint of heart. Public relations professionals learn from experience – through networking and building relationships – the optimal way to earn the trust of reporters and editors. Too often though, a business has its employees reach out to the media and the results are unsuccessful and sometimes detrimental.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

3 best practices for engaging in media interviews

Be sure your spokesperson is ready for the tough questions

If you lack spokesperson training, an interview with the media can be daunting. It’s not easy to maintain your composure when you’re standing in front of a bank of microphones with camera lenses pointed directly at your nostrils.

A critical public relations skill is optimally negotiating media interviews. Most PR firms offer a form of spokesperson training or coaching to clue in company spokespeople about the finer elements, one of which is how to properly set the tone for media interaction – whether amid crises or simply run-of-the-mill product launches.  

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Topics: media relations, public relations, spokesperson training

5 ways to get media coverage for your company when you have no news

Let your customers know that business is good with a steady stream of news and help from PR

Experts recommend that you pitch the media consistently in order to attract positive news coverage and gain visibility for your company. How do you get media coverage when you simply have no news to pitch?

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Topics: media relations, public relations

Pitch perfect: Fall in love with your pitch

When pitch fatigue is imminent, try these tips to reboot

Anyone that has worked in public relations knows well that pitching the media is an acquired skill. Whether it’s for an automobile or printer or service such as a virtual front office, designing a pitch that internally compels you is a necessary first step – because if you love it, your genuine interest will serve to engage others.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, media

6 reasons why your media coverage expectations are unreasonable

We all aspire to succeed and to shine a positive light on our companies for the public to see. Far too often, though, businesses have unreasonable media coverage expectations.

As public relations professionals, we must help our clients define realistic goals concerning the media coverage they want. Here are six missteps that companies often make when setting their media coverage expectations:

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Topics: media relations, public relations

4 things the media wish companies knew about pitching

Get your story to the right person at the right time

Successfully pitching the media is one of the most important tasks a PR company can perform for its clients. Through a pitch, a PR firm can ensure that the media publishes a client’s story and that many people read it.

Despite the importance of the practice, the companies that hire PR firms to pitch often know very little about the process itself. It is important for client companies to also understand the process so that they can help fine-tune the PR firm’s pitches in order to get better results.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

The true value of earned media and PR

Learn the benefits of positive news coverage for your company

So, you are ready to hire a PR firm. However, like many companies, you may be unsure of exactly what a PR agency can do for you. Some of the biggest benefits come in the form of increased visibility, a boost in name recognition and improving your reputation. PR can do all those things by securing earned media.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, media

How to write a press release headline

Weak headlines and first paragraphs are deal-breakers

You need strong headlines and clear opening paragraphs. News coverage is important: According to Starch Research, a news story has six times the readership and three times the credibility of an advertisement. The right PR agency can secure you the media coverage you need to grow your business and your bottom line.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, news release

The do’s and don’ts of following up with journalists

Go from nuisance to news expert with tips from PR pros

You’ve prepared your best pitch and contacted media to get some positive news coverage. Now you sit in agony, waiting for the reporter to call you back. Should you call again or will that make you a pest and hurt your chances? This is the most common conundrum of media relations.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

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