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PR advice to help you determine which is right and how to prepare
Perhaps your company is in the midst of a crisis. Or maybe there is a major story breaking that involves your industry. Whatever the reason, members of the media are calling and clamoring for information from your company. Should you grant interviews? Hold a news conference? Or can you simply issue a statement?
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Topics: media relations, public relations
5 ways to write and share content that focuses on your audience’s needs
Consumers’ attention spans are shorter than ever. Instead of pushing information onto the customers, you should focus on gaining their interest. Typical news releases are full of empty rhetoric; if you want to capture your audience’s attention, demonstrate your company’s excellence with compelling, true stories. Stop begging the media to publish your content and become the media.
Brand Journalism is a revolution in public relations and internal communications. Do not stand on the sidelines and watch your company’s content be ignored.
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Topics: media relations, public relations, shared media
4 ways to make sure you are investing enough in this vital area
With billions of dollars in revenue, it is easy to become complacent and rest on your laurels. After all, to get to this point, you must be doing something right. Still, you may be wondering, “Is there more that I can do to further tip the scales and ensure relevance?” The answer is yes, and the solution lies in public relations.
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Topics: media relations, public relations, reputation management, large companies
Use these insider tips to improve visibility for your company
In public relations, perhaps the most common concern we hear from companies is their inability to attract positive media coverage. Now that news is a 24-hour operation and new online publications are popping up all the time, it seems like getting media coverage should be easier; but for many, it remains elusive.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
Time is money, and a smart media strategy from PR will help you make the most of it
OK, you have 10 seconds to tell us all about your company, what is new and why we should care. Go.
In today’s always-connected, blink-and-you’ll-miss-something world, this 10-second window represents the new reality for selling your product. It’s also the new normal for attracting media attention. With help from public relations, you can learn to use your time wisely.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
A common-sense guide on PR’s best ways to pitch news media via email
Getting your story ideas in front of journalists may seem like the equivalent of trying to open a safe with only one number of the combination. You’ve heard that most journalists prefer to be pitched via email, but your messages still don’t resonate. Maybe you’re doing it all wrong.
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Topics: media relations, public relations, media
What are the pros and cons of this often misunderstood media relations tool?
Psst! I’ve got a dynamite story to tell and I’m only giving it to you. In return for being the first to hear it, I’m hoping you will make it a big deal and help me attract the attention of many people in my target audience because I think you are just the right media outlet to handle it. Okay?
This is the premise behind pitching exclusives to the media.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
5 ways to properly prepare your images for the media
Whether located in a media kit (digital or print) or in your online newsroom, photographs designed for use specifically by the media are somewhat different than your run-of-the-mill photos. Product launches, executive appointments and new office locations are all instances to have media-ready photographs on hand. However, the photos must be what media outlets are seeking if you want to optimize their usage.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
Learn the right way to handle media relations for increased news coverage and visibility
You grant a journalist an hour-long interview and your company doesn’t even get mentioned in the story. Or, perhaps a news outlet covers your company, and you weren’t contacted for a comment. Dealing with the media can be exasperating. Nonetheless, it may surprise you to know that they have just as many complaints about you.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
Tear down the walls between your company and journalists with help from PR
The New York Times … The Wall Street Journal … CNN … The Associated Press. It would be terrific to have your company featured or even just mentioned in these media powerhouses. You see other companies highlighted all the time, so why isn’t your company?
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Topics: media relations, public relations
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