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What's newsworthy?
Recently, someone asked me, “How would you define the word 'newsworthy?'” Great question; allow me to elucidate.
News elements
What makes a story newsworthy? Pay close attention to these 10 elements of newsworthiness to see which apply to your particular announcement. These elements are also called "news values" because they give a story news value. Good news stories have more than one of these elements to help increase earned media coverage.
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Topics: media relations, public relations, earned media, news media
Learn how to use your best commodity to capture media attention
We all know that getting positive press about your company can provide an instant boost to your name recognition and credibility. A lesser-known fact is how to actually get it.
The first thing you must do is to try not to be intimidated by the process. This becomes easier when you realize the basics about your relationship with journalists. You need exposure for your company, and that’s what they can give you. They need high-quality content, and you can provide it. In fact, that’s your best commodity.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
This is one story about PR and small businesses. Read How small companies do PR and what big companies can learn from them, 5 Things big companies know about PR that small businesses can learn from them, What do small businesses spend on PR, and Why small businesses struggle with PR firms for more.
Why PR firms may want to avoid startups
Let me begin by saying that I am a fan of Mark Cuban. He’s an edgy and technology-savvy entrepreneur and investor who calls it like he sees it. The outspoken owner of the Dallas Mavericks has invested in a diverse portfolio of businesses, demonstrating a vast and resourceful knowledge base. A few years ago, supported by both his participation in and the success of the popular, entrepreneurial ABC show Shark Tank, Mr. Cuban released an interview about his “12 Rules for Startups.” These rules have surfaced on social media several times over the years due to increasing interest in entrepreneurism. As an entrepreneur and investor myself, I support many of the common-sense rules he shares – all except one which states that “startups should not hire PR firms.”
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Topics: media relations, public relations
Use PR to help you avoid common writing mistakes and get media attention
What do you think when you read a resume rife with errors? It’s probably unlikely that the candidate will be offered the position. If it’s really bad, you may even stop reading it altogether, regardless of the listed experience.
That’s the same feeling journalists experience when they receive poorly written documents from you.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
How to give your projects the full-court press with PR
Your company is doing wonderful work every day and constantly moving forward toward your goals. Still, there are times when you want to highlight something extraordinary and capture major media and public attention. This is when you may need to create a national PR and media campaign.
For many, the thought of a huge campaign can be scary. How to begin? It can seem overwhelming and you might be tempted to throw in the towel before you even start.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
As consumers grow savvier by the day, it has become important for all public relations executives to keep abreast of the current trends in this field. Consumers are interested in knowing about the latest news and events, and they’re using tablets and wearable tech to stay updated. As they look for more ways to satisfy their cravings for news and information on the tech niche, check out these tips that will help you build a better online presence for yourself.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
Let PR show you how to make every pitch count
In baseball, pitching a no-hitter is considered a career milestone. Certainly, a lot is riding on the pitcher of a baseball team. He is expected to be a leader, to win the game for the team and, in the event of a loss, is the first to be blamed.
For public relations, successful pitching is also a professional highlight. Careers are won and lost on the ability to attain a good deal of media coverage for clients in the right places.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
How large corporations should focus their PR tactics
You watch and access the national news to find out what’s happening in the world around you. But perhaps you should be aware that a recent study conducted by National Public Radio, the Robert Wood Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health suggests that this seemingly harmless activity could be creating symptoms similar to those suffered by individuals with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
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Topics: media relations, public relations
What you can learn about PR and media from LeBron James
So LeBron James is going back to Cleveland. Whether or not you agree with this decision, you have to be awed by his 40-million-dollar payday.
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Topics: media relations, public relations
Spokesperson and media training can make all the difference
The media has tremendous power in America. They help shape popular opinion, decide what is and isn’t newsworthy enough for you to know about and they are permitted to go to practically any length in pursuit of a story. No wonder the press is often referred to as the Fourth Estate.
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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR tips
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