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Are commercial newswires effective for public relations?

Commercial newswire services charge companies to distribute their news. 


The big players in this space – at least in the United States – are Business Wire, Cision PR Newswire, Cision PR Web, GlobeNewswire, etc.


These are often confused with newswire services, also known as news agencies.

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Topics: media relations, press release syndication services

9 Journalists-Approved Tips for Pitching to the Media

Sending a perfect media pitch can feel like a balancing act. Structure and timing are everything. To avoid becoming a mere drop in an ocean of emails, here are nine media pitching tips directly from journalists, according to PR software Muck Rack’s research.

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Topics: media relations, news media

Turn your pitches into stories to get journalists interested in them

Tell stories instead of just stating facts.


Imagine you’ve finally got a good pitch ready to send to the media. You’re well prepared, and now it’s time to get that phone call done. Despite hitting it off with the media contact, your contact ultimately declines to run the story. What happened? You did everything right; you had the main point and some facts to go with it to give context.

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Topics: media relations, news media

Use news briefs, not releases, when contacting the media for certain stories

When it comes time to give the breakdown of a story in writing, news releases are usually sent. Long and filled with information, they’re viewed as the best ways to get a story to the media. But are they really the best way? Your legal team and, most importantly, reporters don’t like them when they’re for medium or smaller stories. Reporters prefer having information to base their own writing off of instead of simply publishing a news release. If the people actually working with your news releases don’t like them, then what should you do?

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Topics: media relations, news release, news media

3 ways PR pros can create a great experience for reporters and the news media

Use three points to make a pitch that a media professional would love


Pitching stories is one of the key parts to a successful public relations plan. Those that want their stories pitched have the story. However, they need one other key ingredient for success: what the reporters are interested in.


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Topics: media relations, PR tips

What's the difference between distributing your company's news and pitching it?

There’s more than one way to release company news. If you’re starting out in the public relations industry or you work for a company that wants to earn media coverage, it’s important to know the best way to share news. Here, Axia Public Relations describes the difference between distributing news and pitching it.


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Topics: media relations

What does evergreen mean for the media?

Journalists want evergreen content; pitch stories that stay relevant


Evergreen is a term in journalism and public relations that means the content isn’t time sensitive. It’s news your company shares that doesn’t have a shelf life and won’t go stale. Evergreen stories are perpetually relevant and always interesting to readers. It’s not breaking news or specific to a season or holiday. 


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Topics: media relations

21 mistakes you’re making when you pitch to the news media

Getting media coverage for your company can seem daunting, especially for a newbie or someone who doesn’t understand how the news media works. It’s possible to earn media coverage without writing a news release; you just need to make sure you’re pitching your company the right way. Here’s a list of 21 mistakes you might be making when you pitch your company to the news media.

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Topics: media relations

Media relations during COVID-19

This is one story in our series about COVID-19. Read 8 ways your PR agency can assist you during COVID-19 for more.


Even as the media's primary focus is on the coronavirus pandemic, journalists are looking for non-COVID-19 stories. For example, a London features and deputy news editor put out a call for "non-CV stories" and then replied with this:


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Topics: media relations

What to do when the media calls

Too often companies discount the value of media coverage. Some get anxiety, others are too busy, but most don't know what to do. The media has a responsibility to cover business news and industry trends. Your organization has a critical role in this process. With a prompt and strategic response, your business can leverage opportunities for media coverage. These tips will help you manage calls from the media. 


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Topics: media relations

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