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3 smart PR tools to guide you in dealing with news media
There has been much talk recently about President Trump and his very public battles with the news media. His tactics have been mostly unorthodox and his media style seems more shoot-from-the-hip than a comprehensive approach to news coverage. Still, he has done a few things right. With the help of public relations tools, your company can learn from Trump’s methods to develop your own media policy.
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Topics: media, public companies
Get some of the same excitement and attention for your own company
The Academy Awards represent Hollywood’s biggest night. It’s a celebration of a year of movies that inspire, entertain, educate and explain the world around us. What you may not realize is that the Oscars also provide public relations lessons your company can use.
1. Remember timing makes all the difference.
Although they create and release movies throughout the year, studios save their most buzz-worthy films for October through December so they can be fresh in the minds of the voting academy. They also seek media recognition for the film ahead of time, such as a nomination from the New York Film Critics.
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Topics: public relations, media, spokesperson training
If you see smoke, there is most definitely fire
With access to breaking news at any time day or night, you may find yourself uncertain whether what you see on your Twitter or Facebook feed is, in fact, news.
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Topics: public relations, media
Topics: public relations, media
3 factors executives should consider before making political statements about Trump (or anyone else)
When executives voluntarily engage in hot topics trending in the media, particularly politics, they sometimes forget that their positions are not bully pulpits or soapboxes.
Often, dangerous roads lie ahead for alienating customers, stockholders and employees.
In cases where emotions run high and trigger a public reaction before public relations processes can be helpful, PR teams frequently find themselves rebounding from derision instead of working to promote success.
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Topics: public relations, media
When pitch fatigue is imminent, try these tips to reboot
Anyone that has worked in public relations knows well that pitching the media is an acquired skill. Whether it’s for an automobile or printer or service such as a virtual front office, designing a pitch that internally compels you is a necessary first step – because if you love it, your genuine interest will serve to engage others.
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Topics: media relations, public relations, media
3 tactful ways to help top executives improve their communications skills
How often do you think a CEO will admit discomfort when dealing with press? Not often, given that successful executives want to project their keen knowledge and experience in business or leadership. But frequently, they are not communications experts. Because of this, many public relations professionals will find themselves frustrated when CEOs or key executives decline media coaching.
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Topics: public relations, media, CEO
Learn why reporters hate news conferences and what your company should do instead
In the movies, press conferences are shown with dozens of reporters shouting questions, flashing cameras and begging for more information, but they don’t always look that way in real life. When your company has big news to announce, invariably someone will suggest holding a press conference. Before jumping on the bandwagon, learn why press conferences are overrated and why you should choose another route.
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Topics: public relations, media
How to remarket the results of a public relations campaign and maximize ROI
Gaining positive coverage is great news and certainly a morale boost in that someone thinks you are doing a good job. But why leave it there? Just because you had a story published does not mean everyone has had a chance to see it. The very nature of word-of-mouth is that it is viral; but to get the ball rolling, it is in your organization's interest to actively ensure your message resonates with as many people as possible.
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Topics: public relations, media
Learn the benefits of positive news coverage for your company
So, you are ready to hire a PR firm. However, like many companies, you may be unsure of exactly what a PR agency can do for you. Some of the biggest benefits come in the form of increased visibility, a boost in name recognition and improving your reputation. PR can do all those things by securing earned media.
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Topics: media relations, public relations, media
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