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Top 5 mistakes in your press release

What could be more important to your publicity than a public relations announcement issued to the media and other key audiences? Yes, we’re talking about a press release, aka a news release: the quickest and easiest way to get publicity for your company. A professionally written press release can result in numerous published articles and blog posts about your company. Therefore, it is very important to avoid these five common mistakes in your press release:

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Topics: public relations, news release

Before sending your pitch, check for these phrases

PR explains the top 6 phrases you should never put in a press release or pitch

You want to attract media attention, so you create a dynamite press release announcing your company’s brand new initiative or event. However, you may be sabotaging your great news by using old, tired phrases in your press release and turning off reporters.

Writing press releases is like a balancing act. You must provide enough information to pique a reporter’s interest without divulging too much. It has to have all the pertinent details without being too lengthy. In addition, certain overused phrases can be annoying to reporters and make them stop reading. Experienced PR pros can show you how to avoid this and craft press releases that get results.

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Topics: public relations, news release

How do you decide where to send your press release


You have created a press/news release. It has been edited several times and vetted through all the proper channels. Now what?

Crafting a press releaseor pitch is only half the battle when it comes to attracting media attention and achieving positive news coverage. Where you send a press release is often more important than what you send. Use PR to help you make the right decision for maximum effect.

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Topics: public relations, news release

If you put good in, you get good out

Turn to PR for the best advice on sending a press release

In todays age of social mediaand 24-hour news generation, many companies wonder if there are still best and worst times to distribute press releases. Of course, there are some consistent tenets that hold true, such as not sending a press release on a Saturday afternoon just before a major holiday (reporters will not be in the office to see it) or on April 1. However, is one day and time better than another?

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Topics: public relations, news release

Sharing your company’s news: anatomy of a news release

How to create newsworthy and reporter-friendly content


As public relations professionals, we follow established guidelines that most business professionals aren’t familiar with. Some of the most commonly asked questions we get are about news releases, which, when written and edited correctly, are a great way to share and promote company news.


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Topics: public relations, PR tips, news release

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