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What’s your brand’s Q Score? Here’s why it matters

Q Scores are crucial for making informed decisions in public relations, marketing, and advertising. The Q Score, short for "quotient score," is a tool that measures a brand or celebrity’s appeal and familiarity among the public. Since its invention in the 1960s, the Q Score has helped PR professionals understand how well consumers know and like particular people and brands.

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Topics: PR tips, blog, PR projects

Meltwater vs. Cision: Which and Why?

There are reasons why PR pros prefer one to the other


Meltwater and Cision are software as a service products that PR and marketing teams use for media monitoring, social listening, engagement, identifying relevant influencers, creating and sharing relevant content, and tracking the content’s effect.


Essentially, both solutions assist marketers and PR pros with their communication ambitions so they can target, reach, and engage their audience.

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Topics: PR tips, technology, PR projects



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