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Dealing with external criticism: A concise guide

You can manage inaccuracies about your brand


Whether or not we notice, people observe how we deal with complaints about us. Our response speaks volumes. And this is the case not just in regular life but in companies as well, whether the complaints are made in person or online.


When responding to complaints, you must be careful not to go with guns blazing; you don’t have to keep mum either. This is because you could seem desperate to hide something, and thus, misinformation about your brand would be seen as true.

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Topics: PR tips, reputation management

5 reasons content marketing is similar to traditional PR

Currently, content marketing is one of the most talked about marketing strategies in the industry. Creating great content is the foundation of many promotional strategies, such as search engine optimization, email marketing, organic traffic generation, and more.

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Topics: PR tips, online public relations

5 steps to get massive organic traffic to your company site and generate leads

Getting visitors to your company’s site is your ultimate marketing goal, and attracting users who will be interested in your products and services is even better.


Your company's marketing strategy includes many stages — advertising, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing, media relations, etc. — to achieve this goal. Many companies underestimate the value of getting organic traffic to their site. While the task is achievable, it requires some work and planning. 

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Topics: PR tips, online public relations

Ideation: The secret sauce for creative PR

No more lame and unproductive brainstorming sessions


Sometimes, it’s difficult to come up with great ideas. Other times, the ideas we come up with are just subpar and unimpressive. A lack of quality ideas is one of the biggest challenges of corporate America.


If only there were a way to recharge our minds and enhance the quality of ideas necessary for our work and clients.


Thankfully, we have perfected a process for successful ideation. This post discusses what ideation is, its benefits, as well as its role in creative public relations.

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Topics: PR tips

Get personal with your contacts for success

Remembering contacts’ personal information can lead to powerful friendships


In today’s world of constant stimulation and zero down time, it’s easy to get caught up in your work because of how much needs to be done to keep things running smoothly. When you have so much on your plate, thinking about other people becomes more difficult. However, you should make a point to cultivate personal relationships with the people you know—it’s a springboard to building lasting partnerships and friendships.

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Topics: PR tips

Tackling Adversity in Modern Marketing

Axia’s 60-Second Impact

60 Seconds of Information Impacting You and Your Fast-Forward Economy


September 2021 – Adapt and Overcome the Hurdles Holding Your Team Back


Time and again, the truly successful organizations and memorable campaigns have been those that went against the grain. Surviving skepticism and overcoming doubt, marketing leaders can harness their team’s unique skills to create buy-in at every touchpoint. 

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Topics: PR tips, 60-Second Impact

Difference between a webpage's page title and headline

Learn the difference between a page title and a headline of your webpage


Website creation is about optimizing small changes that can, together, make a difference and generate big results. Get it right, and you may see a higher engagement level. Get it wrong, and you struggle to remain relevant. 


One such seemingly trivial but significant element of a webpage is its headline and page title. While both of these are essentially headers, they have different impacts and purposes. Let’s get to know their core differences and learn to use them to your advantage.

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Topics: SEO, PR tips, online public relations

PR firms increased rates despite pandemic recession

Many PR agencies profited significantly during the pandemic


New research shows that PR agencies increased their rates in 2020 despite a global health pandemic, corresponding economic crisis, and its blow to PR firms and most of their clients’ industries.


Gould-Partners’ report revealed there was a whopping 23.5% increase in the hourly billing rate from $193 per hour in 2019 to $240 per hour in the following year.

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Topics: PR tips

Four ways to keep your digital marketing strategy up to date

According to Hubspot, digital marketing helps companies reach larger audiences compared to traditional methods by targeting users who are most likely to buy their product or service. Because digital marketing is a fast-paced world, your digital marketing strategy needs to stay up-to-date. How do you keep up and not to miss out on the most recent trends in digital marketing?


Here are four ways to keep up with the digital marketing industry and improve your digital marketing strategy:

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Topics: digital PR, PR tips

Calculating the Return On Investment for a Public Relations Campaign: A Concise Guide

How to know if your PR campaigns are financially successful


Are your campaigns really profitable? How can you prove that your marketing campaigns were of value?


Calculating the return on investment (ROI) determines if you’ve been making a profit from your public relations campaigns and helps you identify which PR exercises yield the most buck.


This article discusses ROI on PR campaigns, how to calculate it, and challenges against a perfect ROI calculation.

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Topics: PR tips, measurement

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