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5 ways to improve your PR pitch and build better media relationships

Building relationships with reporters and editors is key to helping your clients’ news releases become inspirations for news coverage. Sending news releases and making friendly, engaging follow-up contacts is a common-sense approach all PR people should know. However, it’s critical that you also build trust and respect with journalists to get your stories on the air, in print and online. Here are five tips that will help.

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Topics: media relations, public relations

HubSpot: A social media publishing gem

3 reasons we use this often overlooked site for publishing to social media


We frequently get calls from sales reps encouraging us to check out their new social media publishing sites. The conversation usually goes something like this:


“What publishing tool are you currently using?” Sales rep inquires.

“HubSpot,” we answer.

“Oh, you mean Hootsuite.”

“No, we use HubSpot.”

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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing, shared media

Press releases going nowhere? 5 tips for getting more media coverage

Your company regularly creates press releases. You, as the PR specialist, spend time researching, writing, crafting the perfect quote and curating the best media list – only to have your release not get picked up anywhere. If radio silence from the media is the norm when it comes to your news releases, it’s time to shake things up a bit. Here are some tips to improve your news releases and media outreach approach.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, news release

3 ways to boost your Instagram presence

A thriving social media presence is essential for a successful company. Instagram is a terrific platform for engaging your target audience. However, it’s not enough to post every now and then on your company Instagram page. Your presence must be consistent and continual. If you’re not posting regularly, your potential and current clients may lose interest, and that’s not good for your company. Here are three ways to build a successful company Instagram campaign:

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Topics: public relations, shared media

Hurricane Harvey and social media: 6 takeaways for businesses preparing for Irma

A storm with the magnitude and destruction of Hurricane Harvey has not hit the United States since social media has infiltrated our lives. From Twitter to Facebook, people turned to social media to help family members reunite, to ask for donations and even to plea for rescue from the floods.

In addition to the individuals who were using social platforms, government entities and media outlets took to social media to broadcast critical updates. Companies also used social media to communicate key updates.

While nothing can fully prepare a company for a disaster the magnitude of Harvey, it’s a good idea to think about a crisis plan for your company. For Florida companies in the path of Hurricane Irma, here are some social media tips to have on-hand as your company prepares in the days ahead.  

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Topics: public relations, crisis communications

Need more media coverage? Here’s how to make journalists happy

3 ways to get reporters to cover your company’s news

What’s your company doing to get media coverage?

If the answer is to focus specifically on your company, it’s time to rethink your strategy. It’s not about you; it’s about the journalist.

More importantly, it’s about making the journalist happy.

So, what can your PR department or agency do to get media coverage? It’s simple: Help the journalists do their job, and you’ll get the coverage your company is seeking.

The job of a journalist has never been tougher. With increasing deadline demands and businesses focusing more on information about their own companies, the job of a reporter can be taxing. Journalists need newsworthy ideas, and your job is to make it as easy as possible to get them.

Here are three ways you can get journalists to give you great media coverage for your company:

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Topics: public relations, news release

What’s the difference between an op-ed and a letter to the editor?

To the untrained eye, an op-ed and a letter to the editor may seem synonymous. Both allow the writer to express personal opinions and lean toward a particular bias that editorial articles may avoid. However, more seasoned media professionals know there are some key differences between them. As public relations professionals, we feel it’s important to share this knowledge with others, including our clients and prospective clients.

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Topics: public relations

Which press release distribution service should you use?

Some people believe that press release syndication services are a dying art. However, with so many of these sites existing, it’s hard to believe distribution services are going away anytime soon. Press release syndication services are still an effective way to spread your company’s news. And have no fear; whether you call them news releases or press releases, the distribution platforms are still the same.


Press release syndication services provide a way to get your company’s news in front of numerous people, including reporters. I’ve had great success with publishing news releases on distribution sites and securing interviews and coverage. Keep in mind, however, the best way to gain media coverage is to build lasting relationships with reporters.


In my opinion, there are three giants in the industry as well as several cost-effective ways to distribute a news release. The more informed you are, the more success you’ll have in your efforts.

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Topics: public relations, news release, press release syndication services

5 reasons you aren’t getting social media engagement

You know social media requires dedication, and you’re posting regularly. However, you can’t seem to get your audience to engage with you. If you’ve put some effort into your company’s social media channels, it’s frustrating when your engagement stats are flatlining. Here’s what might be wrong:

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Topics: public relations, shared media

Are you doing social media wrong?

6 things you should never do on social media

Wondering how to improve your social media presence? Here are some tips on what not to do to help you in your journey to social media greatness.







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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

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