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Are you writing for the newsroom and living room or your boardroom?

8 tips for creating a news release that will result in numerous media placements and boost your exposure


It’s a problem public relations professionals encounter all the time. They write a news release based on what media and target audiences want to see. Then, the CEO or another C-suite executive reviews the release and adds long quotes and several paragraphs of company information to appease partners or other stakeholders. This is a huge (and common) mistake.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, news release

McDonald’s is using Snapchat to hire 250,000 employees

Hiring 250,000 employees for the summer posed a creative challenge for McDonald’s. In order to target 16- to 24-year-olds, McDonald’s got imaginative and developed the “Snaplication.”

In McDonald’s Snaplication, Snapchat users view a 10-second ad about the perks of working at McDonald’s, and if the user wants to learn more about the job, there’s a link to McDonald’s career page and job application. The corporation also developed a filter that allows users to digitally try on the McDonald’s uniform.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

6 areas to measure in your content marketing

How to tell if your content is performing well or lagging behind 


Your organization’s blog is up and running! You’re generating topics that are valuable to your audience and planning ahead with a long-term content strategy. Now what?


Measure and analyze your content marketing efforts every quarter or biannually to make sure you’re on the right track. Start by looking back at your S.M.A.R.T. objectives, which you should have listed in your content marketing plan.

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Topics: public relations, content management, measurement

How to promote your content

Boost your valuable content to reach potential customers 

Once you’ve created and published quality content, your job isn’t done. Now you need to promote it. Promoting content is one of the eight elements for successful content marketing.

There are many ways to get your content in front of a large audience. There are also a few things to consider before you go spamming people who aren’t interested in what you have to say. Ask yourself: For whom did I create this content?

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Topics: public relations, content management

Got a brick-and-mortar business? Use public relations to bring more customers to your door

6 strategies to increase visibility, traffic and profits

These days it seems like people only want to talk about online businesses and the next big dot-com billionaire. Traditional brick-and-mortar businesses don’t get as much respect and attention anymore. You can use public relations to change all that. 

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Topics: public relations, retail

3 public relations programs that may change the way you do business forever

Discover how an integrated approach can contribute to your success 

Many companies have a limited vision of the function of public relations. They use it chiefly for writing news releases for media coverage or spinning information to get them out of trouble. You should know that the field of PR is expanding and gaining in importance. If you’re not using it to its full potential, your company is missing out on key opportunities for growth, visibility and profits.

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Topics: public relations, content management

How undercover is Undercover Boss?

Axia Public Relations uses its success with the show to give you the facts


The boss of a large corporation dons a disguise to get honest feedback from employees about what’s really going on in the company. Employees think that cameras are filming because the undercover boss is part of some kind of contest. Millions tune in to the hit CBS reality show Undercover Boss. Many may wonder, “Do the unsuspecting employees really not know?” and, “Even with the disguise, why don't they recognize the CEO of their organization?” It begs the question: How undercover is Undercover Boss?

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Topics: public relations, Undercover Boss

Hack: Get more likes for your company's Facebook page

Use liked posts to build more likes for your business’s Facebook page

Getting likes on your company’s Facebook page can be hard work unless you’re a well-known company. The payoff is worth it. More likes means more people looking at content on your page, which increases the odds of people sharing your content to potential customers.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

3 ways to generate authentic feedback online

How online feedback impacts consumer behavior and why it’s critical for sales success

Most likely, you’ve purchased at least one item in your home or office because you saw it on social media. You may have bought gifts for others or shopped for items for yourself based upon Instagram photos or a friend’s glowing Facebook post. Within this purchasing process is an important behavioral evolution.

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Topics: public relations, online reputation management, shared media

Do you need media coaching?

3 reasons why a trained “talking head” is beneficial for your company 


Have you ever watched a televised interview where the interviewee responds to questions with ease, using a flowing, conversational tone? Or perhaps you’ve seen an interview where a company spokesperson seemed defensive and dodged questions using the phrase “no comment.” Some people are naturally exceptional public speakers, while others require significant training to become comfortable talking in front of large crowds.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, spokesperson training

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