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How to make your content discoverable and shareable to generate new leads
Millions of companies compete for attention on Google. How can you outsmart your competition? The answer is simple: Create great content to attract, convert, and delight your target audience. The well-known cliché content is king remains true. Providing valuable information to your audience will build trust in your products or services.
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Topics: inbound marketing, shared media, earned media, owned media
How to make the most of your company Facebook business page
Facebook is the biggest social network in the world. TechCrunch reports the social media giant had 2.23 billion monthly active users as of April 2019. Companies that want to connect with their target audiences should definitely be engaging them on Facebook.
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Topics: PR tips, shared media
Connect with your target audience using influencer marketing
Influencer marketing is a process that involves two key elements: communication and collaboration. Axia Public Relations created a visual to show the steps of its influencer marketing process and who’s responsible for completing each step.
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Topics: shared media, influencer marketing
Here's why you should be boosting your posts instead of spamming your followers
Most companies are doing social media wrong. WAY WRONG. They're either hard-selling, bragging, shouting, or simply talking to themselves. In the current climate, as much as it pains us PR pros to say it, you've got to invest in sponsored and paid social content. Otherwise, you're only talking to yourself.
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Topics: shared media
4 tips to make your Wiki page stick
While the task of creating a Wikipedia page for your company might be daunting, having Wikipedia deem your page notable is the real struggle. Notability guidelines are possibly the most subjective part of Wikipedia. Remember, just because you’re pleased with what you’ve written doesn’t mean Wiki will verify it. There are several rules of thumb to follow to ensure your Wikipedia page stays up and gets the attention it deserves.
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Topics: PR tips, shared media, Wikipedia
If you’re on social media, you should be familiar with these words
You follow them. You take their fashion advice. You make their recipes. Heck, you probably even know their children’s middle names. Influencers are content creators who have large, loyal audiences on social media platforms. Because of their influence over their followers, they make terrific marketers for brands and companies.
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Topics: shared media, influencer marketing
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media networks are continuously pushing out updates, making enhancements, and moving things around. This makes it difficult for social media marketers, managers, and users to keep up. Algorithms are ever-changing, genuine engagement is harder to obtain, and companies are struggling to adapt.
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Topics: shared media
How to grow your company’s visibility
Public relations is an extremely effective way to promote your company. A well-executed PR campaign attracts your target audience and converts those prospects into loyal customers.
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Topics: public relations, PR tips, inbound marketing, shared media, earned media, owned media
Social media management is one of the many services Axia Public Relations offers its clients. And because social media constantly changes, our recommendations change as well. Where we once focused on vanity metrics (data on followers, likes, comments, and shares), now, since Facebook only shows about 2 percent of a company’s social media posts to those who like their page, we recommend our clients focus on boosting more posts.
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Topics: shared media
Networking is a critical component of PR
In the public relations industry, networking is one of the most important things you can do. However, it’s easier said than done. How do you network? Why should you network? And most importantly, how do you maintain connections?
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Topics: public relations, shared media
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