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3 tips for promoting infographics on social media

An infographic is a way to present information or data visually with an image. To begin, decide the information you want to include in your infographic, where it will live (e.g., on your website) and where you’ll promote it. Then, send the copy you’ve created to a peer or a copy editor to proofread your work. Once the copy is ready, send it to a designer, or you can use a site like Canva or PicMonkey to create the infographic yourself.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

Investing in social media: How much should you spend?

4 items to consider when budgeting for social media

In the early years of social media, part of its allure from a marketing perspective was that it was cost-efficient – and for many, free. Today, as social media infiltrates more of our daily communications and social ad platforms become more sophisticated and drive better results, it's necessary to put some money into your social media strategy. How much your company spends depends on many factors.

To help figure out how much to invest, here are some considerations.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

‘This Is Us’ fire creates social media storm and PR crisis for Crock-Pot

Communication tips for what to do when your brand unexpectedly ‘catches fire’ and you need to calm consumers

This week, NBC’s “This Is Us” gave viewers an emotionally gripping episode that seriously tugged their heartstrings. It also sent many to their cupboards to dispose of a kitchen appliance that was the terrifying catalyst for one of the show’s biggest tragedies. The villainous appliance? A Crock-Pot.

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Topics: public relations, crisis communications, shared media

Should you schedule your social media content?

Learn when to schedule content and when to post in real time

Scheduling social media content has many advantages:

  • Create consistency
  • Publish in multiple time zones
  • Publish on the weekends and holidays
  • Plan ahead

You can schedule content for your company using social media publishing software like Hubspot. There are factors you should consider when you schedule content in advance. Here are answers to some common questions about scheduling content.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

4 brands that rock on social media and what you can learn from them

Mapping out your social media strategy for 2018? If you’re ready to step up your game next year, take a look at how some of the biggest brands use social media to increase engagement and improve ROI. Here are companies that are excelling on social media and some takeaways for social media managers.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

3 steps to rock your interview on Facebook Live

How to broadcast an interview to increase your audience engagement

Facebook Live has quickly become the hottest new live-streaming platform. People share their personal stories through Facebook Live. Brands stream their own unique content to connect with their key audiences.

One of the most successful interactive experiences is broadcasting an interview. You can interview a VIP in your company, a happy client or anyone else and share it with your key audiences through Facebook Live.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

4 reasons Facebook Live is an effective way to build media relations

How to connect with media outlets using Facebook Live

Facebook Live is one of the greatest features on Facebook. You can use it in many ways to promote your brand. It allows you to broadcast a live video right to your audience through your company page or personal profile. Using Facebook Live, you can create buzz about your brand and connect with your key audiences, including the media.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

Why Twitter may be the best bet for your next media pitch

Recently, I was chatting with a reporter friend of mine and she told me that she gets on average 500 emails a day. Of those, nearly 100 or so are pitches for story ideas. And, of that 100, she maybe reads five or six, based solely on their subject lines.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

7 biggest mistakes companies make with social media

Social media has become integral to building long-lasting relationships with customers as well as creating brand loyalists. However, not every organization is doing social media right. In his book The Thank You Economy, New York Times best-selling author Gary Vaynerchuk defines seven of the biggest mistakes companies make in their use of social media.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

4 signs that you’re overposting on social media

How to avoid losing your social media followers

A successful social media strategy requires commitment and consistency. Posting original, entertaining and useful content regularly is essential to success. Sometimes, in spite of your efforts, you see a drop in your social media key performance indicators. This might be a sign that you’re posting too much.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

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