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Promote your brand on Facebook Live

6 steps to grow your client base using livestreaming on Facebook

FacebookLive is a great way to build relationships with your key audiences. You get to know your target public and tell them about your brand. It’s easy to stream live on your company’s Facebook page and connect with your followers. Here are six important steps for you to succeed.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

3 key ways to use social media for crisis communications

How to make the most of social media when times are tough

Even the most seasoned public relations professionals find managing social media in a crisis challenging. News spreads fast on social media. Things can escalate in a matter of minutes. Marketing departments are often in a position where they must act swiftly and shrewdly when their company’s reputation is at stake. The good news is that social media can help you mitigate crises when you use it wisely.

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Topics: public relations, crisis communications, shared media

3 steps to determine the value of your social media following

How to make the most of your social media engagement

There is no doubt that social media marketing is very important. It allows companies to directly engage with their customers, build brand presence and ultimately grow their businesses. You can use various metrics to measure your social media strategy success. Some companies believe that the total number of followers or fans is what matters the most for having a well-established presence online. How do you determine the value of your social media following?

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

4 steps to maximize your social media strategy

How to attract more traffic to your social media platforms

 Many companies rely on their social media strategy to help grow their business. Social media spreads the word about your brand, establishes your credibility, gets you more leads and brings you convertible traffic. Obviously, you want to use social media platforms to their full potential. The question is how? Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. There are, however, certain key steps that work to maximize your social media efforts.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

For optimal Facebook engagement, choose quality posts over a quantity of posts

Less is more with your company’s Facebook posts

You’ve probably heard the phrase content is king. However, when it comes to company Facebook posts, context is the new content. While it’s important to know how often you should post to your Facebook page, you should also focus on what you’re posting. HubSpot, a developer of software for inbound marketing and sales, pulled Facebook data to see if posting more frequently reaches more people.

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Topics: online public relations, public companies, shared media

Insta-success: 3 tips to ensure high performance on Instagram

Instagram, like most other social media platforms, invests heavily in fine-tuning and further developing its platform. With many changes afoot, including the addition of new features and advertising options, how can your company stay ahead of the curve and keep its Instagram account effectively reaching followers?

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

Making the content connection: 3 tips for attracting customers using content

Public relations and marketing are communications practices deeply entrenched in relevant content. While one discipline uses tools such as news releases and positioning statements, the other leverages glossy, image-rich brochures and catchy taglines. What continues to be elusive to some companies is the magical element of “content connection.” Content connection is the process of creating engaging, relevant content audiences crave that pushes them to a call to action, such as to like, share, review or buy. The first step in making the connection is to attract people to your business – to let them know you exist, what you do, what you stand for and what you can offer. How can your company begin to attract more customers?

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Topics: public relations, blog, shared media

7​ ​deadly​ ​sins​ ​of​ ​your​ ​Instagram​ ​strategy

How to grow your brand successfully on Instagram

Instagram is one of the top social media platforms. It’s no surprise that it’s so popular; people like sharing photos. Most companies use Instagram to improve their brand awareness and generate likes and engagement that often leads to business growth.

Promoting your company on Instagram is rewarding and a lot of fun. However, there are some pitfalls. Here are seven major mistakes you should avoid on Instagram.

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Topics: public relations, online public relations, shared media

HubSpot: A social media publishing gem

3 reasons we use this often overlooked site for publishing to social media


We frequently get calls from sales reps encouraging us to check out their new social media publishing sites. The conversation usually goes something like this:


“What publishing tool are you currently using?” Sales rep inquires.

“HubSpot,” we answer.

“Oh, you mean Hootsuite.”

“No, we use HubSpot.”

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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing, shared media

3 ways to boost your Instagram presence

A thriving social media presence is essential for a successful company. Instagram is a terrific platform for engaging your target audience. However, it’s not enough to post every now and then on your company Instagram page. Your presence must be consistent and continual. If you’re not posting regularly, your potential and current clients may lose interest, and that’s not good for your company. Here are three ways to build a successful company Instagram campaign:

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Topics: public relations, shared media

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