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5 tips to make your company stand out on social media

Don’t bore your followers on social media; use an engaging strategy to propel your brand

After auditing your company’s social media activity and comparing it to some of your competitors, you may find that your social media engagement isn’t effectively telling your brand’s story. Your posts are coming out more blah than brilliant. More sigh than sassy. More flat than fierce. You need to up your social media game.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

5 critical questions to ask if your company doesn’t have enough following on Facebook

Your ultimate checklist to increase your business Facebook page following and engagement

If you’re regularly posting engaging and relevant content on your company’s Facebook page and not getting much action, then it’s time for you to give some thought to your Facebook strategy. You need to do more than routine posting on Facebook to create buzz and get new customers for your business.

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Topics: public companies, shared media

Validity of social media: Communications in crisis

3 ways to ensure your company receives fair treatment in the media

In the last several months, news programs and media pundits alike have attempted to unravel the meaning behind President Donald J. Trump’s tweets. When this effort falls short, President Trump’s spokespeople regularly opine that the media has an obsession with covering everything he says on Twitter – and little of what he does as president.

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Topics: public relations, crisis communications, shared media

More than words: Why you need a content management strategy

5 steps to help you do more with your vision, ideas and documents using PR 

In your business, you produce tons of content. News releases, articles, newsletters, photos, speeches, reports and financial statements are necessary to tell your story and generate leads. Now, what do you do with it all?

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Topics: content management, public companies, shared media

McDonald’s is using Snapchat to hire 250,000 employees

Hiring 250,000 employees for the summer posed a creative challenge for McDonald’s. In order to target 16- to 24-year-olds, McDonald’s got imaginative and developed the “Snaplication.”

In McDonald’s Snaplication, Snapchat users view a 10-second ad about the perks of working at McDonald’s, and if the user wants to learn more about the job, there’s a link to McDonald’s career page and job application. The corporation also developed a filter that allows users to digitally try on the McDonald’s uniform.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

When is the best time to post on social media?

Get more visibility on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by posting at the right time

Knowing the best times to post on social media can make the difference between one click or 10 for your company’s social pages. According to Sprout Social, each social media channel has a best time of the day to publish content. Many companies don’t know the optimal times of the day and even days of the week that work best for social sharing. And if you’re a national brand, you should also consider time zones.

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Topics: public companies, shared media

Hack: Get more likes for your company's Facebook page

Use liked posts to build more likes for your business’s Facebook page

Getting likes on your company’s Facebook page can be hard work unless you’re a well-known company. The payoff is worth it. More likes means more people looking at content on your page, which increases the odds of people sharing your content to potential customers.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

3 ways to generate authentic feedback online

How online feedback impacts consumer behavior and why it’s critical for sales success

Most likely, you’ve purchased at least one item in your home or office because you saw it on social media. You may have bought gifts for others or shopped for items for yourself based upon Instagram photos or a friend’s glowing Facebook post. Within this purchasing process is an important behavioral evolution.

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Topics: public relations, online reputation management, shared media

What is brand journalism and is it right for your company?

5 tips to help you use brand journalism to connect with your audience and boost your brand awareness

Most companies have a love/hate relationship with journalists. They know they need journalists to increase their visibility and boost their credibility, but getting their attention can be frustrating and time-consuming. As a result, many businesses take matters into their own hands by using brand journalism.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

7 tips for developing your key messages

Enhance customer relationships and control communications with key messages for your company

Suppose you find yourself in an elevator with an important stakeholder in your industry or city. Surprisingly, he notices your company logo on something you’re carrying and asks you to tell him about your company. What will you say?

If you’ve developed key messages about your company, the above situation shouldn’t be stressful. If you haven’t created such messages, enlist a public relations firm for help.

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Topics: public relations, corporate communications, shared media

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