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Does your company have a brand ambassador program?

You could be missing key opportunities to build a fan base and ignite a movement around your brand

The ability to create and develop an exceptional brand is what separates companies that simply exist from those that are memorable. But what makes an outstanding brand? And how do you promote it? One vital tool is a brand ambassador program.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

How to develop a successful social media strategy

6 steps to creating a social media strategy for your company

Today, every company should have a strong presence on social media. Companies that use social media effectively incorporate a social media strategy. It’s essential for your business to develop a social media strategy to minimize wasted effort, time and data and to be sure your content is appropriate and aligns with other public relations and marketing goals.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

How citizen journalism impacts PR

3 steps to consider when working in the age of citizen journalism

United Airlines has certainly experienced its share of unexpected media attention the last few weeks. The first powerful wave occurred after passengers at an airport observed airline employees restricting two young ladies from boarding a plane, apparently due to their choice of clothing. Then, just a week later, viral video surfaced of federal law enforcement officials forcefully removing a passenger from one of United’s planes. Neither of these situations may have publicly played out as they did if it hadn’t been for the ever-present “citizen journalist.” Armed with camera phones, regular, ordinary Joe’s and Jane’s are serving as first-hand eyewitnesses and posting, tweeting and sharing unchecked snippets, which fuel a sensationalized news stream for all to consume.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

Why should my company care about blogging?

This is one story on the value of blogging. Read how 5 reasons blogging is important, why blogging is worth it, 4 ways blogging can improve your PR efforts, 3 overlooked reasons to blog, and how blogging can attract customers for more.


4 reasons you should use this critical PR tool

Research shows there are more than 150 million blogs in the world. Does your company have one of them? More importantly, should you really care?

Even when they do blog, some companies treat their blogs like many people treat a new car: exciting at first, but over time, they stop taking care of it. Once you understand the true benefits of blogging for your company, you’ll realize that you really can’t do without it.

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Topics: public relations, blog, shared media

4 important don’ts for PR professionals

How to stay ethical in the digital marketing world

Ethics in public relations is critical. In today’s digital world, it’s so easy to reach a broad audience; you can influence consumers’ behavior and obtain useful information about them. You can use various marketing and PR strategies to convert consumers. This makes them very vulnerable to scams and deception.

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Topics: public relations, ethics, shared media

Think your audience isn’t on social media?

Why your company should definitely have a presence on social media 

Everyone’s talking about using social media in their marketing mix. If your company isn’t there yet, it may be because you think your target audience doesn’t use social media. If your customers aren’t what you envision as typical social media users, is it worth your time to have a presence there? Yes, it is. Here’s why …

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Topics: public relations, shared media

8 elements for successful content marketing

How you can create and distribute valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience

Content plays a key role in your inbound marketing strategy because it attracts potential customers to your business. Content can be in the form of blog posts, podcasts, webinars and so much more – essentially, any material that consumers find valuable.

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Topics: public relations, content management, shared media

What you need to know before your company goes Live on Facebook

Use Facebook Live as a tool to communicate your message directly to your audience

Social media is a great platform for your company to connect with consumers. The newest way organizations are using social media is to connect with consumers on a personal level – using Facebook Live.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

5 tools to make the most of your social media posts

You have the audience. Now use these PR tactics to take maximum advantage

Social media has become an essential part of doing business today. It’s where your customers are and where they expect you to be. Engaging customers and prospects on social media allows your company to build connections and increase profits, if you do it correctly.

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Topics: public companies, shared media

4 important tips on managing social media for multiple locations

Reach the right audience and learn effective solutions with PR

In business today, brand identity is everything. This is especially true for large companies with multiple offices and locations. You want customers to recognize and respond to your messages across all vehicles and platforms. Increasingly, that includes social media. With help from a public relations firm, you can bring order to complex, large-scale social media challenges.

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Topics: public relations, shared media

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