The Public Relations Blog
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Use these PR tips to make blogging easier
Fantasy and science fiction writer Ray Bradbury said, “I don’t need an alarm clock. My ideas wake me.” For the rest of us, creating ideas and topics is not so easy, especially if you are responsible for developing a continuous list of blog subjects for your company. Public relations tools and tactics can make regular blogging easier. An especially useful tool is a blog editorial calendar template.
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Topics: public relations, blog, shared media
3 reasons executives should engage on social media
Juggling the demands of big business, speaking engagements, board meetings and global sales calls, CEOs are some of the most sought after yet hard to pin down human beings. These elusive individuals are inundated with requests for “five minutes” from media, customers, vendors, clients and even their own families. How can a CEO be in 100 places at once while giving thousands of people attention at the same time? The answer is to leverage technology, particularly social media. Social media represents a powerful, scalable and efficient means to doing it all.
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Topics: public relations, CEO, shared media
3 ways your company can deal with internet trolls in 2017 and beyond
Earlier this month, fast-food chain Wendy’s earned numerous headlines because its social media team challenged a heckler on the Twitter playground. Upworthy writer Parker Molloy captured the entire exchange before Wendy’s deleted its comments and the critic, @NHRide (aka Thuggy-D), deleted his Twitter account. It went like this:
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Topics: public relations, online reputation management, shared media
Your practical guide to distinguishing real news from fake news
For most of us, social media has become the top source for news. How do you know if you can trust news in social media? Here are three proven criteria to ensure that your social media newsfeed is trustworthy.
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Topics: public relations, shared media
How to maximize your PR efforts by using local focus
Many large corporations come across the same challenge: how to tailor their marketing and PR strategies to local audiences. Corporations with offices in multiple locations should be sure they take into consideration local trends. Here are three fundamental steps to enhance your local PR strategy.
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Topics: public relations, shared media
4 reasons a PR partner may be good for you
In the world of social media in 2017, you have to be all in. Effective social media includes a robust content strategy, a regular drumbeat of content and conversation and ongoing conversation monitoring. It can be a full-time job for someone at a small company. At a large corporation, it can require a whole team of professionals.
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Topics: public relations, shared media
Diversify your PR strategy for multiple locations to get the best ROI
When your company is growing, it’s both exciting and challenging. With the right public relations strategy in place, you can avoid the complications that often come with expanding and make the most of your growth. Here are four fundamental ways to use PR to manage marketing for multiple locations.
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Topics: public relations, shared media
Why you need both and how to use each for maximum advantage
For hundreds of years, the news media has been informing the world about events and changes that affect our lives. In the last decade, social media has come along to give people news in real time; it can distribute information worldwide in a matter of minutes. So, which one is more influential? And what does each mean for your business?
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Topics: public relations, shared media
Turn leads into customers by inspiring and motivating them
You have plenty of visitors come to your website each month. Now, what do you want them to do once they’re there? Getting visitors to your website is only half the battle. It takes the right content to move a prospect from lead to customer. That requires public relations.
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Topics: public relations, content management, shared media
From Rolls-Royce and Tesla to Fresh Market and Krispy Kreme, many of the best brands have proven they don't need advertising. Consumers buy from these corporations because of the experiences they offer and because of the quality of their products. Less successful companies think they need advertising to get customers, but the best brands use their products, reputations and stories to attract customers. That's called public relations.
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Topics: public relations, shared media
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