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Engage with the right audience to become an expert in your field
Influencer marketing is a form of marketing where you build relationships with powerful people in your industry, thus creating visibility for your product or service. This approach focuses on individual people who can influence many other people far better than any advertising or content marketing you can produce. The audience sees these influencers as trusted sources of information. If you and the influencer are a good fit, some of his or her followers might join your audience as well.
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Topics: public relations, thought leadership, shared media
3 ways Macy’s effectively handled its Black Friday virtual traffic jam
According to data collected by Adobe Digital Insights, Black Friday sales hit a record $3.34 billion in e-commerce. This marked the first time sales surpassed $3 billion. Successful companies know they must provide an optimum online shopping experience for consumers (75 percent of worldwide shoppers will abandon a company’s site if it’s buggy, slow or prone to crashes) and that includes preparing months in advance for the busiest shopping days of the year.
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Topics: public relations, crisis communications, shared media
Let PR guide you on the road from attraction to conversion with the right tools at the right time
You blog, send emails and craft the best content and calls to action for your website. But are you using all the tools available? Are you making good use of them at the right time?
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Topics: public relations, content management, shared media
Make the most of your relationships with your brand ambassadors
Spreading the word about your product or brand is great. An influencer can help you do that quickly and effectively. Influencers have the reach to deliver a message to a large audience. Also, they have the power to make that audience act upon that message.
Here are five unbeatable tricks for your successful influencer marketing campaign.
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Topics: public relations, shared media
Amplify your content through a highly targeted influencer marketing strategy
Influencers work really hard to cultivate relationships with their target audience and maintain their status as thought leaders within their niche. Partnering with influencers in your industry helps to get your message in front of the right audience and accelerates conversions.
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Topics: public relations, thought leadership, shared media
7 steps to becoming a thought leader
An influencer or thought leader is a person who is recognized as an industry expert and has successful social media performance with an impressive engagement rate. Influencers are not celebrities or famous politicians. They are regular people who successfully build their communities around their subjects of interest or brands.
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Topics: public relations, thought leadership, shared media
Social media provides many opportunities for thought leadership, but just logging in and posting a tweet every now and then is not enough. To be effective, you have to be committed. That means showing up and scanning, contributing and networking. Here are three tips to get you started.
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Topics: public relations, thought leadership, shared media
Making and keeping happy customers
One of the key parts of the digital age when it comes to PR is creating relationships between consumers and your business. By establishing a relationship, you create a bond that not only makes it more likely that customers will purchase from you again, you also set a good precedent that encourages your customers to refer your company to others interested in similar products. Customers can also help your business by providing the vital data and feedback you need to improve the customer experience.
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Topics: public relations, content management, shared media
PR tips to make your company a communications star
We all have personal anecdotes about poor customer service and businesses behaving badly. A business needs customers to like and trust it enough to make a purchase, so why do so many get it wrong? Often, the problem starts with simply the way employees talk with customers.
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Topics: public relations, corporate communications, shared media
Use PR to find the best measurement methods for improved visibility and success
You may hear your marketing, public relations or social media teams talk about impressions, but what exactly are they? More importantly, how can they affect your company’s strategic plan and bottom line?
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Topics: public relations, shared media
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