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How to add a social media content manager to your company's LinkedIn page

A quick guide to adding your social media agency and team members to your company's LinkedIn account


Easily sharing access to your company’s LinkedIn account can help a social media manager create and publish content, which will ultimately increase your company’s visibility and brand awareness. Contrary to what you might think, your company's LinkedIn page does not provide unique usernames and passwords to share with your social media colleagues for them to log in. Instead, you assign page roles to your team members, and they can log in using their personal LinkedIn account.


It’s important to note that only “super admins” can add, edit, or remove page admins. The “super admin” role is automatically assigned to a page’s creator.

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Topics: shared media, social media

TikTok: The official search engine for Gen Z?

Younger audiences are using the social media platform for casual searches, Google reports.


TikTok. We all know of it, but do we know how powerful it actually is, especially for Generation Z? 


The popular app first came in 2016 and has since grown. It’s known for showing you short videos that you’ll like and interact with, d from its search algorithm. But how far has its popularity gone? 


While TikTok isn’t an actual search engine, some people in the younger generation see it as one.

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Topics: online public relations, shared media, social media

How to add a social media content manager to your company's Facebook Page

A quick guide to adding your social media agency and/or team members to your company's Facebook account


Contrary to popular perception, your company's Facebook page does not provide unique usernames and passwords to share with your social media colleagues for them to log in. Instead, you assign page roles to your team via their personal Facebook account profile.

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Topics: shared media, social media

How to create a Business Center and ad account for your company's TikTok

A quick guide to creating a business and ad account for your company’s TikTok


TikTok is the most efficient social media platform to use if you want to get your company in front of more eyes. However, this is still hard to do as you have to hit the algorithm just right to get a viral video and, even then, your videos won’t see the same amount of views consistently. To make sure your videos earn traction, you can create TikTok ads.


To run TikTok ads, you create a TikTok ad account that is separate from your regular TikTok account. To create this separate ad account, you first create a TikTok Business Center account.

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Topics: shared media, social media

How to add a social media content manager to your company’s Snapchat account

A quick guide to adding your social media agency and team members to your company's Snapchat account


Snapchat is another form of social media that may be more valuable than you realize. Just like Instagram and Facebook, Snapchat allows you to share content and ads with your consumers on a platform they are already familiar with. While your Snapchat account may look a little different from other social media platforms, adding content managers is not much different.

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Topics: shared media, social media

How to add a social media content manager to your company's Twitter page

A quick guide to adding your social media agency and team members to your company's Twitter account


Contrary to what you might think, your company's Twitter page does not provide unique usernames and passwords to share with your social media colleagues for them to log in. Instead, you assign page roles (which are different levels of managerial roles for your social media account) to your team via their personal Twitter account profile through a Twitter Ads account. This is important to know because the individuals who help manage your social media account will be ever-changing.

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Topics: shared media, social media

Should your company BeReal?

A guide to determining whether your company should use the newly popular photo-sharing social media app.


While the classic social media platforms are still prominent in today’s world, there are many up-and-coming social media platforms taking the world by storm. Recently, BeReal has skyrocketed in popularity, primarily among teenagers and young adults.  


BeReal is a social media platform that uses a photo-sharing application to allow users to post a singular photo per day. The catch is you only have a two-minute time slot in which you can post the photo. 

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Topics: shared media, social media

How to add a social media content manager to your company’s Pinterest account

A quick guide to adding your social media agency and/or team members to your company's Pinterest account


Companies need to use social media to stay accessible and up to date with their consumers. With all the different social media platforms out there, it can be difficult to keep track of everything going on. That’s why you should give multiple team members access to your company’s social media accounts. This prevents sharing company passwords and personal passwords. It also helps you avoid being locked out of your accounts.


Let’s explore how to add a social media content manager to a company’s Pinterest account:

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Topics: shared media, social media

How to manage page roles on your company's Instagram Page

The quick, step-by-step guide to adding administrators to your company's Instagram page


Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms out there. Because of Instagram’s reach, it’s wise to promote your company on it. To use it efficiently, you’ll need to give your content managers access to your account. Content managers might be your internal employees or perhaps your social media agency. And how do you do this without sharing your login information with your social media helpers? Follow along to see how you can add different page roles to your Instagram account.

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Topics: online public relations, shared media, social media

Should you use LinkTree in your Instagram bio?

Take your social media account to the next level by using LinkTree to add an easy way for consumers to navigate your resources.


Instagram has evolved from much more than a simple photo-sharing social media. Companies now use it to market their products, advertise their success, and spread their name. One downside of using Instagram for business is any information in photo captions just displays as text. The only way to add clickable links to your page is in bios and story posts, and these methods have drawbacks.

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Topics: shared media, social media

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