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What I wanted to tell CNN about Elon Musk and Tesla's PR crisis from DOGE and Trump protests

Why media training matters, especially when it doesn't go exactly as expected


I recently joined CNN International live to discuss Elon Musk, Tesla, and the growing conversation around leadership, politics, and brand equity. The topic was timely, the segment was well-produced, and the anchor was thoughtful. Still, like many media appearances, it didn’t go exactly how you envision it.

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Topics: spokesperson training, earned media, news media

What happens when spokespeople can’t commit to news interviews?

In the fast-moving world of news, securing earned media coverage often hinges on speed. Newsrooms operate on tight deadlines, and reporters scramble to find credible sources who can comment on breaking news. 


However, challenges arise when journalists seek immediate confirmation of a spokesperson’s availability before confirming a story. This creates a cart-before-the-horse dilemma where neither side can commit before the other does.

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Topics: media relations, spokesperson training

How to best prepare for going on the record

Make sure your spokesperson is armed with these media training tips before they take on the mic.


Going on the record with a reporter can be intimidating. Are there any “gotcha” questions, and how should you answer them? Can you ask for interview questions ahead of time? How do you discuss something you don’t want to appear in print? 


Even the most seasoned spokesperson is constantly learning how to approach the media landscape to avoid saying the wrong thing and going viral.

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Topics: spokesperson training, earned media, news media, public speaking

How to take your speaking skills to the next level with Allison Shapira, CEO of Global Public Speaking

In this episode, Allison Shapira, author of “Speak with Impact” and CEO of Global Public Speaking, joins host Jason Mudd to discuss the performance of public speaking, the skills you need for public speaking today, how to craft talking points, and how to take your skills to the next level.


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: spokesperson training, On Top of PR

How company executives can become powerful keynote speakers with Michael Port from Heroic Public Speaking

In this episode, Michael Port, CEO of Heroic Public Speaking, joins host Jason Mudd to discuss the art of public speaking. Tune in to learn how to express yourself onstage, the different types of speaking events, the four categories of a keynote speaker, how to prepare a speech, and much more!

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Topics: spokesperson training, On Top of PR

3 reasons you should always have a trained media spokesperson available

One of the first things we do upon rising in the morning is check the news to see what’s happened overnight. Some seek out the weather report or stock reports, while others prefer to digest leading headlines or sports news. The fact that news occurs around the clock is one of the main reasons it’s imperative to have a trained media spokesperson on staff at all times.

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Topics: spokesperson training, earned media

Don’t let your superstar company speaker go unnoticed; promote today!

3 ways to market your company’s speaker

Speaking engagements are a terrific way to increase your company’s visibility and enhance your reputation. Perhaps your company’s speaker is captivating and delivers presentations that are engaging and informative. When your speaker can get in front of an audience, you know the results will be positive for your company. However, your speaking engagements are few and far between, leaving you wondering: What is the best way to promote my company’s speaker?

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Topics: public relations, spokesperson training

Do you need media coaching?

3 reasons why a trained “talking head” is beneficial for your company 


Have you ever watched a televised interview where the interviewee responds to questions with ease, using a flowing, conversational tone? Or perhaps you’ve seen an interview where a company spokesperson seemed defensive and dodged questions using the phrase “no comment.” Some people are naturally exceptional public speakers, while others require significant training to become comfortable talking in front of large crowds.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, spokesperson training

It’s OK to use your notes at your public speaking event

5 things to remember to be an effective speaker

When you give a speech, you want your words to have the maximum impact on your audience. Notes can play a useful role in any speech you give. Most public speaking professionals agree that you should use your notes during your public speaking event. The question is how to use them wisely and effectively for your event to be successful.

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Topics: public relations, spokesperson training

3 best practices for engaging in media interviews

Be sure your spokesperson is ready for the tough questions

If you lack spokesperson training, an interview with the media can be daunting. It’s not easy to maintain your composure when you’re standing in front of a bank of microphones with camera lenses pointed directly at your nostrils.

A critical public relations skill is optimally negotiating media interviews. Most PR firms offer a form of spokesperson training or coaching to clue in company spokespeople about the finer elements, one of which is how to properly set the tone for media interaction – whether amid crises or simply run-of-the-mill product launches.  

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Topics: media relations, public relations, spokesperson training

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