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How to boost conversion rates by keeping visitors on your website

If you have a website for your brand or company, you likely want to convert your site visitors into paying customers. The more website visitors you get, the higher the probability of converting them into customers. Higher conversion rates equal more sales and better profit margins at the end of the day.


The longer you can keep your website’s visitors on your site, the more you will increase your conversion rates and brand recognition in the long term. You will need to follow a few golden rules to achieve this and keep your audience coming back for more.

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Topics: owned media, web media

What is Google Discover and why it matters to your company’s SEO

Google Discover may be the answer to improving your company’s SEO. The updated feed experience contributes to spikes in website traffic and is transforming the way to reach users.


Google Discover was launched in September 2018 as a feature on Google’s app. It is a feed that recommends content to users based on their search history. Google Discover came from a revamping of the previous Google Feed, where the suggested content was primarily headlines and meta descriptions. Discover now includes more visuals and evergreen content, with customizations available to create a user-friendly experience. Users can follow topics they are interested in and view similar topics.


Why does this matter for your company’s SEO?

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Topics: online public relations, owned media, web media

How to determine what keywords to use as anchor-text SEO links

As you write content (blog posts, stories, and social media posts) with links to external websites, you don’t want long and awkward-looking URLs within your text. Those URLs don’t have to stick out like a sore thumb – you can replace them with anchor text, which is clickable text like this link to our homepage.


To determine which words to use for ultimate search-engine optimization, you need to make sure your anchor text is expressed briefly and clearly, relevant to the linked page, and specific. 

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Topics: web design & development, owned media, web media

What PR pros need to know about using SEO keyword phrases

With the large number of brands available to an even larger number of people, you have to find a way to reach your potential customers. The best way to do this is to create a list of SEO keywords for your company. 


SEO keywords are words or phrases that consumers type in a browser to find what they are looking for. You want to associate the phrases your target audience is using with your company or website. But to find the best keywords for your company, you must first conduct keyword research. 

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Topics: SEO, owned media, web media

Link building tips and tricks to boost your rankings

"Ranking without links is really, really hard." - Google.


Google’s algorithm has been based on links ever since its inception. Link building is one of its top three ranking factors. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most challenging search engine optimization tasks. It requires quality links with high authority to rank well on search engine ranking pages. 


If you struggle to find effective white-hat link building techniques, we can help you. Here are the most practical link-building tips and tricks. 

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Topics: owned media, web media

Why SEO is still important in 2022 and beyond

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the most controversial concept in digital marketing. With every Google algorithm update, there is always a new SEO dead trend. Nevertheless, SEO continues to be one of the most significant inbound marketing strategies.


There is no doubt that SEO has changed over the years. Keyword stuffing and link buying are all in the past. Why is SEO still important for business’ success, both present and future?

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Topics: online public relations, owned media, web media

Best SEO Practices for Website Page Descriptions

Many people think search engine optimization (SEO) is easy, but they forget the basics of optimizing a website. SEO is simple, but there are some ground rules you must follow to rank on top. 


According to sources, 57% of web traffic comes from Google, so optimizing your website page description is definitely worth it. Knowing the basics of SEO for website page descriptions can help you succeed if you have a limited understanding of the subject. 

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Topics: online public relations, owned media, web media

What is keyword stuffing?

How keyword stuffing can affect your brand online.


Keywords have always been one of the most prized possessions when it comes to the online space. Designed to make your content more search engine friendly, keywords can boost your search engine rankings and get your brand discovered. 


Just as anything in excess is bad, including too many keywords in your content can do more harm than good to your company. Stuffing your web page with the same long-tail phrases tends to kill your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and degrade your online visibility.

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Topics: owned media, web media

What is keyword density and how do I leverage it?

Are you using keywords, or are you stuffing keywords in your content? Learn the difference with Axia experts.


A lot of top-ranked web pages have keywords stuffed egregiously throughout the content. However, when your content isn't credible enough to entice the end user, there's no point in getting ranked on SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages). While we need to use important keywords in website titles and meta descriptions in order to attract traffic, no one’s ever explained the fine line between using keywords wisely, and keyword-stuffing.

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Topics: online public relations, owned media, web media

Top SEO Tools for Beginners

With a plethora of SEO tools available on the market, it may feel overwhelming to choose between the many free and premium options out there.


While premium SEO tools offer advanced functionality, on-call support, and more, the free ones often do the trick of solving the most urgent optimization issues. To make your life easier, we’ve curated a quick list of free SEO tools that can help you, from beginner to advanced SEO optimization levels. 

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Topics: online public relations, owned media, web media

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